
  1. 善行如灿烂的星光。

    Good deed will shine as the stars of heaven .

  2. 中西沐浴文化比较研究和我国沐浴发展趋势探索她家凉台沐浴在灿烂的星光里。

    Comparative Research of Western & Chinese Water Bath Culture and Research of Domestic Water Bath Development Trend ;

  3. 有灿烂的星光,节日的祝福,总希望每一个梦想都可以美丽成真

    Has the bright star light , the holiday blessing , always hoped that each dream may become beautifully really

  4. 灿烂温柔的星光闪烁在晴朗的夜空。

    Clouds there are none , and clear stars beam mild .