
  • 网络Ying-yaiShenglan;Ying-yai Shenglan
  1. 2004年底在福建省图书馆查到的明代淡生堂抄本《瀛涯胜览》是一本研究郑和宝船极其珍贵的史料,它有力地佐证了郑和大型宝船尺度无误;

    The handwritten copy of Wonders Overseas discovered in Fujian Library at the end of2004 is precious historical material for research on Zheng He 's treasure ships .

  2. 马欢的日记名为《瀛涯胜览》,出版于1451年作者去世的前夜。

    Ma Huan 's diary , entitled Ying Yai Sheng-lan ( An Overall Survey of the Ocean 's Shores ), was published in1451 on the eve of its author 's death .

  3. 提要:记录郑和宝船尺度的文献,包括《明史》、随行翻译马欢的纪行著作《瀛涯胜览》,共有七种之多。

    Abstract : documents recording the size of Zheng he 's treasure ships include altogether seven books , such as Ming history , and wonders overseas written by Ma huan , the translator in the fleet .