
jī ɡuānɡ liáo fǎ
  • laser therapy
  1. 经鼻腔激光疗法对脑梗死病人外周血淋巴细胞CD抗原的影响

    Influence of laser therapy via nasal cavity on the CD antigen of peripheral lymphocytes in patients with cerebral embolism

  2. [摘要]目的观察低能量He-Ne激光疗法对脑缺血再灌注大鼠的影响。

    [ Abstract ] Objective Applying low energy He-Ne laser therapy , to observe its effect on NGF and NGFR in the brain of ischemia / reperfusion rats .

  3. 其他可能投资于整容手术,肉毒杆菌或激光疗法。

    Others may have invested in cosmetic surgery , botox or laser treatments .

  4. 近几年来放射性皮肤损伤的治疗及护理方法有了很多新的进展,包括暴露创面疗法、湿敷疗法和He-Ne激光疗法。

    In recent years , the treatment and nursing of radioactive skin injury have achieved greatly . These methods include the therapy of exposing surface of wound , wet packing therapy and Ne-Ne laser therapy .

  5. 目的:观察半导体激光疗法(LISCL)和低强度氦氖激光辐照血液疗法(ILIB)对脑梗塞患者红细胞变形性和事件相关电位P300峰潜伏期(P3PL)的影响。

    Objective : To research the effect of low intensity semiconductive laser ( LISCL ) and of intravascular He Ne laser irradiation on blood ( ILIB ) to erythrocyte deformity and P 3PL in acute cerebral infarction patients .

  6. 关于低强度激光疗法的机理及其临床应用研究

    Mechanism on Low Intensity Laser Therapy and Its Clinic Applications

  7. 结论:内镜激光疗法可有效缓解食管良恶性狭窄造成的进食困难。

    Conclusion : endoscopic laser therapy has positive effect on esophageal stenosis .

  8. 皮肤癌的综合治疗&冷冻和激光疗法

    Skin cancer treated with refrigeration and CO_2 lasers

  9. 目的:观察内镜激光疗法对良恶性食管狭窄的治疗效果。

    Objective : to investigate the effect of endoscopic laser therapy on esophageal stenosis .

  10. 向医生咨询激光疗法。

    Ask your doctor about laser therapy .

  11. 激光疗法,精确的激光束用来烧掉痔疮。

    Laser surgery – precisely targeted laser beams are used to burn off the haemorrhoids .

  12. 寻常疣:脉冲染料激光疗法与水杨酸+脉冲染料激光疗法之比较

    Verruca vulgaris : Pulsed dye laser therapy compared with salicylic acid + pulsed dye laser therapy

  13. 半导体激光疗法对轻度认知障碍病人β-类淀粉样蛋白的影响

    The effect on serum amyloid β protein of patients with mild cognitive impairment after semiconductor laser therapy

  14. 如果是,眼科医生可以用激光疗法来保护你的视力。

    If so , an eye doctor can treat your eyes with laser therapy to protect your vision .

  15. 以此为平台,预测静脉曲张激光疗法的疗效,同时在此指导下开展动物实验。

    Then , the cure effect of laser therapy in varicosity was estimated and the animal experiment was carried on .

  16. 如果你真的很想去除一条疤痕,去看看医生,试试激光疗法。

    If you 've got scars you really want to get rid of , talk to your doctor about laser treatments .

  17. 临床试验研究发现低强度激光疗法对肌纤维织炎、网球肘和跟腱炎有良好疗效,而对肩袖肌腱炎和延迟性肌肉酸痛疗效不定或缺乏疗效。

    It was implied in clinical trials that LLL therapy was quite effective for myofascitis , epicondylitis and Achilles tendonitis , and had not definite effects or lacked effects on rotator cuff tendinitis and delayed muscular soreness .

  18. 结论:运动疗法、冷热交替疗法和低强度激光疗法治疗腰肌劳损均有效果,本研究首次发现冷热交替治疗腰肌劳损是一种有效的治疗方法。

    Ice and hot therapy and low intensity laser therapy seemed to be the effective methods . This research is the fist time to find that alternate ice and hot therapy is effective to chronic lumbar muscle strain .

  19. MRI引导下激光导热疗法处理动物正常肝脏所致病灶的MR与病理学比较研究

    MRI-guided laser-induced thermotherapy of normal liver in animal : comparison of MRI signal with pathology of lesion

  20. 结论经鼻腔激光照射疗法可改善CD抗原比例,对脑梗死的治疗有一定的临床意义。

    Conclusion Laser therapy via nasal cavity improved the ratio of CD antigens , and manifested certain clinical significance in the treatment of cerebral embolism .

  21. CO2激光汽化疗法治疗Hailey-Hailey病(法国)

    Treatment of Hailey - Hailey disease with carbon dioxide laser vaporization ( Fren )

  22. 结论氪红激光温热疗法是一种可被临床选用的且行之有效的黄斑部CNV治疗方法。

    Conclusion Krypton red laser transpupillary thermotherapy is one of the effective therapies for CNV at macular region .

  23. 目的探讨用氪红激光温热疗法治疗黄斑部脉络膜新生血管(CNV)的临床效果。

    Objective To investigate the clinical results of krypton red laser transpupillary thermotherapy for patients with choroidal neovascularization ( CNV ) at macular region .

  24. 金蒸汽激光光敏疗法预防膀胱癌术后复发的效果

    Tumor recurrence prevention using photodynamic ther-apy after treatment of bladder cancer

  25. 弱激光照射疗法治疗机理与过程研究

    Research of Mechanism and Process on Low Level Laser Irradiation Therapy

  26. 铜蒸气激光光动力疗法治疗葡萄酒色斑的临床评价

    Clinical assessment of photodynamic therapy with copper vapor laser for port-wine stain

  27. 金蒸气激光光敏疗法治疗膀胱癌的临床研究

    Photodynamic Therapy of Bladder Cancer with a Gold Vapour Laser

  28. 金蒸汽激光光动力疗法治疗上消化道癌的临床研究

    Gold Vapor Laser in Photodynamic Therapy for Upper Gastrointestinal Cancers

  29. 激光联合疗法治疗牙源性皮瘘疗效探讨

    Clinical effect of laser combined stomatology therapy for skin sinus from dental etiology

  30. 激光射频疗法治疗痤疮

    Treatment of Acne by Laser and Radio Frequency