
  • 网络Penney;JCPenney;paine;JC Penney
  1. 本文提出了圆波导TM(mn)模回旋潘尼管的动力学理论。

    This paper presents akinetic theory of the cylindrical waveguide gyro-peniotron ( TM_ ( mn ) modes ) .

  2. 基于准光学腔回旋管(Gyrotron)的电子注结构及微波电路和潘尼管(Peniotron)的工作机理,本文提出一种新型的短波长毫米波器件&准光学腔回旋潘尼管。

    On the basis of electron-beam configuration and microwave circuitry of Quasi-Optical Gyrotron together with the operational mechanism of Peniotron , this paper proposes a new kind of device operating at short millimeter wavelengths & Quasi-Optical Gyro-Peniotron at high cyclotron harmonic .

  3. 一种高频高效自由电子激光潘尼混合器件

    A free Electron Laser-Peniotron Hybrid with High Frequency and High Efficiency

  4. 矩形波导结构潘尼管工作特性的分析

    Working Characteristic Analysis of Peniotron Using a Rectangular Waveguide Structure

  5. 本文提出在离心静电聚焦系统中实现回旋潘尼管的设想。

    A gyro-peniotron effected in a centrifugal electrostatic focusing system is proposed .

  6. 一种新型的短波长毫米波器件&准光学腔高次谐波回旋潘尼管的理论分析

    Theoretical Analysis of a New Kind of Short-Millimeter - Wave Device & Quasi-Optical Gyro-Peniotron

  7. 自由电子激光潘尼混合器件提高效率的方法

    Efficiency Enhancement of the Free Electron Laser-Peniotron Hybrid

  8. 安身而守正:论潘尼人生道路与人格精神

    On the Life and Personality of Pan Ni

  9. 她是在杰西潘尼买的。

    She bought them at JC Penney .

  10. 图为英国利物浦潘尼巷巷口一家餐馆的档案照。

    This is a file photo of a corner restaurant on Penny Lane in Liverpool , England .

  11. 这条不起眼的郊区街道是依詹姆斯.潘尼而命名,潘尼是18世纪一位富有的奴隶船主。

    The unassuming suburban street was named after James Penny , a wealthy18th century slave ship owner .

  12. 我不由得想起,说到头来,也许还是潘尼洛甫猜对她小姐的心意呢。

    I began to think that Penelope might be right about the state of her young lady 's affections after all .

  13. 2006年,利物浦市议员芭芭拉。梅斯提议,把市内和奴隶交易有关的街道重新命名,结果意外发现潘尼巷竟榜上有名。

    In2006 , Liverpool Council member Barbara mace proposed renaming streets associated with slavery , and was surprised to learn that Penny Lane was among them .

  14. 不久前,男孩女孩们在这个好奇的年纪可能会偷看《花花公子》或者翻看杰西潘尼百货公司宣传单的内衣部分。

    Not long ago , boys and girls nearing that curious age might sneak a peek at Playboy or scour the underwear section of a J. C. Penney circular .

  15. 回旋器件(包括回旋管家族和潘尼管)利用磁场中的高能回旋电子与电磁波互作用,实现电磁波的产生与放大,在多个领域有广阔的应用前景。

    Gyro-devices , including gyrotron family and peniotron , which use the interactions of encircling electrons and electromagnetic wave to produce and amplify the electromagnetic wave , have broad application prospects .

  16. 南非妇女、儿童以及残疾人事务部副部长博格潘尼-祖鲁(HendriettaBogopane-Zulu)说,他个人认为南非作为一个国家不必第一个站出来说,南非应该感到尴尬。

    I don 't think we as a country need to first jump and say we should be embarrassed , ' said Hendrietta Bogopane-Zulu , deputy minister for women , children and people with disabilities .