• lacquer;paint
  • coat with lacquer;paint
  • 落叶乔木,树皮内富含树脂,与空气接触后呈褐色,即“生漆”,可制涂料,液汁干后可入药。

  • 用漆树皮的黏汁或其他树脂做成的涂料:油~。~片。~器;~雕;磨~画(均为工艺品)。~包线。

  • 用漆涂:把门窗~一下。

  • 黑:~黑一团(a.形容非常黑暗,没有一点光明;b.形容一无所知。均亦作“一团漆黑”)。

  • 姓。


(用漆树皮里的黏汁或其他树脂制成的涂料) lacquer; paint:

  • 黑漆

    black lacquer;

  • 漆盘

    lacquer tray


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 漆亮

    Qi Liang


(把漆涂在器物上) coat with lacquer; paint:

  • 把门漆成深绿色

    paint the door dark green;

  • 把桌子再漆一 遍

    give the table another coat of paint;

  • 盒子里里外外都漆过了。

    The box was painted within and without.

  1. 酸固化出口木衣架漆(AC漆)的研制

    Preparation of Acid Cured Amino Wood Lacquer

  2. 结果高度近视眼底病变包括后巩膜葡萄肿、玻璃体变性、漆裂样纹损害、黄斑区Fuchs斑和黄斑出血。

    RESULTS High myopia damages involve posterior scleral staphyloma , vitreous degeneration , lacquer crack lesion , macular region Fuchs spot and macular hemorrhage .

  3. 这屋子漆成了难看的棕色。

    The room was painted in an unappealing shade of brown .

  4. 抱歉,我把车刮掉了一块漆。

    Sorry , I 've scraped some paint off the car .

  5. 门漆成了蓝色,为的是与墙的颜色相配。

    The doors were painted blue to match the walls .

  6. 要漆这扇门,你得把螺丝拧开,缷下门把手。

    You 'll have to unscrew the handles to paint the door .

  7. 整座房屋都漆成柔和淡雅的色彩。

    The whole house was painted in soft pastels .

  8. 在墙上随便刷点漆,就看着漂亮了。

    Just slap some paint on the walls and it 'll look fine .

  9. 房子刚刷过白漆,显得光洁明亮。

    The house was gleaming with fresh white paint .

  10. 只要我们拼命干,今天应该就能刷完漆。

    If we crack on with the painting we should finish it today .

  11. 他们把门漆成了翠绿色。

    They painted the door a luminous green .

  12. 房间漆成了杏黄色和白色。

    The room was painted apricot and white .

  13. 她发脾气是因为她的梳妆室没有漆成蓝色。

    She threw a hissy fit because her dressing room wasn 't painted blue .

  14. 房子的外面漆成了绿色。

    The house is painted green outside .

  15. 喷金属漆是自由选择的,要额外收费。

    Metallic paint is an optional extra .

  16. 墙壁漆成了黄色。

    The walls were painted yellow .

  17. 装潢风格非常简单——白色墙上镶着漆成黑色的裙板。

    The decor is simple — black lacquer panels on white walls .

  18. 生锈和掉漆说明金属配件损毁严重。

    Rust and flaking paint mean the metalwork is in poor condition .

  19. 他给所有的木材都涂上了一层闪耀着金属光泽的银漆。

    He had painted all the wood with metallic silver paint

  20. 这种漆不会粘在墙纸上。

    The paint wouldn 't stick to the wallpaper .

  21. 那里的走廊从地面到齐肩高的部分都漆成棕褐色。

    The corridors there were painted chocolate-brown to shoulder height

  22. 前门需要刷一层新漆了。

    The front door needs a new coat of paint

  23. 他们看见了用白漆写的几个大大的字母。

    They saw some large letters in white paint .

  24. 我做了一把吉他,并把它漆成了红色。

    I made a guitar and painted it red .

  25. 只有上等好漆才能用作罩面漆。

    Only the finest lacquers are used for finishes .

  26. 木头上刷了漆以看起来像块石头。

    The wood had been painted to simulate stone

  27. 我们上了第二道漆。

    We put on the second coating of lacquer

  28. 顺着木材的纹理刷上厚厚的一层漆。

    Brush the paint generously over the wood in the direction of the grain .

  29. 卧室的墙壁会被漆成浅蓝色。

    The bedroom walls would be painted light blue

  30. 在上清漆前,要彻底打磨这扇门并把尘土清洗掉。

    Rub down the door and wash off the dust before applying the varnish .