
  • 网络Turbulent Diffusion;Turbulent Dispersion;Turbulence Dispersion
  1. 用拉氏动力学理论研究PBL非均匀湍流扩散

    The Application of Lagrangian Dynamical Theory to Study of Inhomogeneous Turbulent Diffusion Characteristics in PBL

  2. 目前流行的湍流扩散燃烧模型有概率密度函数输运方程模拟(PDF)、条件矩模拟(CMC)、层流小火焰模型等。

    At present the popular turbulent diffusion combustion models include Probability Density Function ( PDF ), Conditional Moment Closure ( CMC ) and so on .

  3. 钝体驻定湍流扩散火焰局部熄火的PDF模拟

    PDF Simulation of Local Extinction Within a Bluff-Body Stabilized Turbulent Non-Premixed Flame

  4. 轴对称钝体后湍流扩散燃烧的PDF模拟

    PDF Simulation of Axisymmetric Bluff Body Stabilized Turbulent Diffusion Flame

  5. 对流边界层中,大气湍流扩散参数化将依赖于对流速度尺度W和混合层高度Zi。

    In convective boundary layer , parameterization of atmospheric turbulence diffu ~ sion depends on W , scale of convective velocity and zi , height of mixing layer .

  6. 而气相对粒子湍流扩散的影响则由类似于布朗粒子扩散的MonteCarlo方法来描述,实现了对确定性轨道模型的修正。

    To determine the particle trajectory , the description of the influence of the gas phase on the turbulence diffusion of particles is based on the Monte Carlo method of Blown particle diffusion .

  7. 火灾排放的CO2的量随季节变化不明显。(5)受湍流扩散的影响,大气CO2浓度整体上随高度的增加而减少。

    Carbon dioxide emissions caused by fire is not obvious following season change . ( 5 ) As the impact of turbulent diffusion , the concentration of carbon dioxide in air reduces with the increasing of height .

  8. 计算并讨论了低热层高温度梯度、分子与湍流扩散、重力场及太阳活动对Ch(zp,χ)的影响。

    The variation of Chapman 's function in a realistic model atmosphere due to high temperature gradient , molecular and eddy diffusion transport , gravity field as well as solar activity is computed and discussed for the lower thermosphere .

  9. 基于Taylor(1921)提出的湍流扩散理论,讨论了海洋中湍流的扩散机制,对如何确定海流中的湍流成份进行了论述。

    Based on Taylor 's turbulent diffusion theorem ( 1921 ) , presented in this paper were a discussion on the diffusion mechanics of marine turbulent flow and the determination of turbulent components in the ocean .

  10. 为了解火焰法合成纳米颗粒过程中流体力学和颗粒动力学作用过程,利用CFD商业软件FLUENT模拟了在湍流扩散火焰中合成TiO2纳米颗粒的过程。

    To probe into the effects of the interaction of fluid mechanics and particle dynamics in the process of flame synthesis , the simulation of titania nanoparticle synthesis in the turbulent diffusion flame was performed by using the commercial CFD-code FLUENT .

  11. 采用速率敏感度分析法分别对燃料为COH2和CH3OH的钝体绕流湍流扩散火焰的燃烧机理进行了简化。

    Chemical reaction mechanisms of turbulent non premixed carbon monoxide / hydrogen and methanol bluff body flame were simplified by rate sensitivity analysis method .

  12. 为了更好地模拟火焰CVD法合成TiO2纳米颗粒过程,应用CFD商业软件Fluent,对火焰气相沉积法合成TiO2纳米颗粒的湍流扩散燃烧过程进行了详细的数值模拟。

    To probe into the effects of the interaction of chemistry and fluid mechanics in the process of flame CVD , the simulation of gas velocity and temperature profile in propane / air turbulent diffusion flame for TiO2 nano-particles production were detailed performed by using the commercial CFD-code Fluent .

  13. 小火焰模型在稳态湍流扩散燃烧中的应用

    A Laminar Flamelet Model Applied to Steady State Non-Premixed Turbulent Combustion

  14. 颗粒的湍流扩散是通过随机轨道模型来模拟的。

    The Random Particle - Trace model Simulate the turbulence diffusion .

  15. 植物花粉、种子湍流扩散的梯度&输送模型

    The Gradient Transport Model of Turbulence Dispersal of Pollen and Seeds

  16. 建筑物附近气流特征及湍流扩散的模拟试验

    The Simulation Experiment on the Flow Feature and Turbulence Dispersion near Building

  17. 大气边界层湍流扩散的实验室模拟问题

    Laboratory modeling problems of turbulent diffusion in atmospheric boundary layer

  18. 受浮力作用的湍流扩散火焰的数值模拟

    Simulation of Turbulent Non - Premixed Flames Influenced by Buoyancy

  19. 旋流稳焰瓦斯燃烧器湍流扩散火焰的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation on turbulent diffusion flame of gas burner with spinning air

  20. 加湿回流湍流扩散燃烧流场的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Humid Air Reverse Turbulent Diffusion Combustion Field

  21. 山东省层状云系中湍流扩散系数的分布特征

    Distribution Features of Turbulent Diffusion Coefficient in Stratiform Clouds over Shandong Province

  22. 湍流扩散火焰中氮氧化物排放的数值研究

    Numerical investigation of nitrogen oxides emission from turbulent non-premixed flames

  23. 湍流扩散燃烧多点δ-PDF模型

    Multi - δ - PDF Model of Turbulent Diffusion Combustion

  24. 四角切圆燃烧炉内颗粒湍流扩散数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Particle Turbulent flow Diffusion in a Tangentially Fired Boiler Furnace

  25. 一个适用于中距离范围的湍流扩散型

    A turbulent dispersion pattern for application within MESOSCALE RANGE

  26. 重庆冬季大气边界层湍流扩散能力的初步研究

    Research on the Turbulent Diffusion Capability of the Chongqing Winter Boundary Layer Atmosphere

  27. 湍流扩散火焰反应速率的研究

    Study of the reaction rate in turbulent diffusion flames

  28. 湍能主要是通过对流、湍流扩散和压力扩散进行输运;

    Turbulent energy is transported by convection , turbulent diffusion and pressure diffusion .

  29. 椭圆型条件矩封闭模型在湍流扩散火焰中的应用

    Application of the Elliptic-Type Conditional Moment Closure Method to Turbulent Diffusion Bluff-Body Flames

  30. 复杂地形机械湍流扩散的粒子随机行走模拟

    A Random Walk Simulation of Particle Displacements for Mechanical Turbulent Diffusion in Complex Terrain