
  • 网络Tamar Park
  1. 香港官员称,这是添马公园开设以来第一次举办展览。

    Officials say it is the first time Tamar Park has held any exhibit for the public since it has opened .

  2. Pancom团队为准备工作花费了数月时间。他们多次到香港考察,最终选址于中环海滨和添马公园。

    The Pancom team spent months in preparation and visited Hong Kong several times before eventually settling on the Central Promenade and Tamar Park areas .

  3. 主办方韩国创意团队Pancom将举行玫瑰灯海世界巡回展,他们把首站选在了香港的中环海滨和添马公园。

    The organisers , creative agency Pancom , chose Hong Kong 's Central Promenade and Tamar Park , as the first destinations for the garden as it begins a tour of the world .

  4. 花园的布置也因地制宜。中环海滨和添马公园的玫瑰花灯高度根据环境有所调整,分别为70厘米和80厘米。花朵闪亮,群星点点,创造出夺目的视觉效果。

    The flowers ' layout is based around the landscape and environment of the promenade and Tamar Park with two different heights - 70cm and 80cm - of roses being used to create the stunning visuals .