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chún pǔ
  • honest;simple;unsophisticated;pure and honest;simplicity
淳朴 [chún piáo]
  • [pure and honest;unsophiscated] 敦厚质朴

  • 言辞淳朴古人风

淳朴[chún pǔ]
  1. 这些淳朴的乡民来自于一个偏远的乡村。

    The honest villagers came from a lonely village .

  2. 善于创造的人,思想很淳朴。

    People who good at creating is honest mind .

  3. 他们对逝去的较为淳朴的生活感到惋惜。

    They mourn the passing of a simpler way of life .

  4. 十几岁的青少年就不像儿时那么淳朴天真了。

    Teenagers lose their childhood simplicity and naturalness .

  5. 作为喜剧界的常青树——他的简单淳朴与自然大方无人能及。

    A timeless comic actor — his simplicity and his apparent ease are matchless

  6. 里特城府颇深,而马里厄斯恰恰相反,是个心地淳朴的农民。

    Ritter was a very complex man but Marius was the opposite , a simple farmer

  7. 当地民风淳朴。

    Local people are simple and honest .

  8. 我们都沉浸在一起玩耍的淳朴之中。

    We both became absorbed in the simplicity of playing together .

  9. 特色门板边型吸附仿古白橡木PVC,柔和且淳朴的。

    The characteristic style doors overlaid antique white oak PVC , are warm and simple .

  10. 圣雄甘地(MahatmaGandhi)对淳朴田园生活的理想化,为印度独立后的政策定下了基调:注重重工业的进口替代,而对创造劳动力密集型制造业的工作机会持有偏见。

    Mahatma Gandhi 's idealisation of rural simplicity set the tone for post-independence policies that concentrated on heavy-industry import substitution but was biased against creating labour-intensive manufacturing jobs .

  11. 畲族人民勤劳淳朴能歌善舞。

    The hardworking she people are good at singing and dancing .

  12. 大平衡也是一种淳朴的美学。

    The Great Balance Theory is a kind of simple aesthetics .

  13. 让我们去寻找那些淳朴、敦厚的人的爱情吧。

    Let us seek the love of simple , ignorant people .

  14. 他的音乐既淳朴无华又妩媚动人,既严肃庄重又亲切温柔。

    His music is simple , lovely , grave and warm .

  15. 我本以为这是个淳朴的小镇,一位居民表示。

    I thought this was a good town , says one resident .

  16. 你的沉默光明似青灯,淳朴如戒环。

    That is bright as a lamp , simple as a ring .

  17. 巴基斯坦人民善良淳朴、勤劳勇敢,有着坚忍不拔、自强不息的精神。

    The Pakistani people are kind-hearted , hard-working , persevering and resilient .

  18. 他们很淳朴,但擅长农业和商业。

    They are a simple people , but good farmers and fair traders .

  19. 自然、淳朴的歌唱&声乐教学中的重要因素

    Natural and Plain Singing & An Important Part in the Vocal Music Teaching

  20. 王宝强招牌式的淳朴笑容从来没有变过。

    Wang Baoqiang 's signature innocent smile never changes .

  21. 乡村淳朴的乐趣。

    Example : The simple pleasures of the countryside .

  22. 他们爱上了淳朴的农村生活。

    They came to appreciate simple rural life .

  23. 真是啊,也许上帝在用音乐激励他们淳朴的心吧。

    Yes , God , maybe , gave music to cheer their simple hearts .

  24. 是因为山里汉子的淳朴、憨厚注定了爱家的概念。

    Because of the simple and honest , the man was destined aika concept .

  25. 而能坚持手工加工则是和当地淳朴的社会环境分不开的。

    The persistence to hand processing is inseparable with the local simple social environment .

  26. 那是关于一个非常淳朴的农村妇女的故事。

    It 's about very simple country woman .

  27. 这位淳朴的天才把自己的智慧和心血献给了人类。

    This simple man of genius gave his intelligence and heart to his fellowman .

  28. 她是一个淳朴的农村妇女。

    She was an honest country woman .

  29. 如此淳朴的热情感觉很美好。

    Such raw enthusiasm sounds rather sweet .

  30. 我早期的祖先们是淳朴的农民。

    My early forebears were simple farmers .