- light colour;undertint;undertone;tinge

Process technology of tinge zymotechnics soy sauce and its quality influenced by the technics are introduced in detail .
All her children are fair .
This design is in pastel colours with three rectangles and three triangles
Pale wooden floors and plenty of natural light add to the relaxed atmosphere
The effects of emulsion of Bacillus sphaericus ( C3-41 ) on larvae of Culex pipiens pallans
Construction and Analysis of Sex-Differentially Expressed cDNA Library for Culex pipiens pallens
Methods Preparing specific DNA probe by degenerate PCR , identification and screening the cypermethrin resistance of Culex pipiens pattens .
The charophyte-mosquito coil has better insecticidal effect . Half of test mosquitoes were killed within 7.1 min , which is up to the B standard .
Inhibition of in vitro Translation of Esterase mRNA of Dipterex-Resistant Mosquito ( Culex pipiens pallens ) by Antisense Nucleic Acids
New Empire Brewery will unveil its first beers-two pale ales , a stout and a series of one-off fruit beers-at Beertopia this month .
Behavioral responses of the mosquito Culex pipiens pallens to electromagnetic waves
Cloning and identification of cytochrome P450 resistance related genes in the mosquito , Culex pipiens pallens
Preparation and application of cytochrome P450 specific probe in resistance detection of anti-cypermethrin Culex pipiens pattens
The lasting effect were 49 days for the former and 42 days for the latter .
Linkage of knockdown resistance and the sodium channel gene mutation in Culex pipiens pallens
Preparation and application of esterase B1 and A2 probe for detection of the resistance of anti-DDVP Culex pipiens pallens
Study on the Toxicity and Synergism of Insecticide Mixtures to DDVP-Resistant Culex pipiens pallens
The extracts from 7 species of bamboo were tested for larvicidal activity against Culex pipiens pallens .
Methods Laboratory detection of NSE was performed for 5 strains of the mosquito using β Naphthyl acetate as the substrate and fast blue B salt solution as the color agent .
Mimic field efficacy test showed that 1 h knock down rate was 87.2 % and 24 h mortality was 100 % against Culex pipiens pallens ;
Objective To prepare the esterase B1 , A2 probe of DDVP resistant Culex pipiens pallens and detect resistant level of Culex pipiens pallens .
〔 Results 〕 The NSE activity was higher in resistant strains than in susceptible strains . the result is the same as bioassay .
Modern Family 's Sofia Vergara plays up her shape with her favorite curve-flattering Hudson " Ferris Flare " jeans in a vintage-chic faded wash .
The Beijing strain of Culex pipiens pallens was continuously selected by deltamethrin and esbiothrin for 11 generations in laboratory , which named DEL strain and EBT strain , respectively .
Studies on insecticide-resistance in mosquitoes & ⅱ . laboratory experiments on the selection of resistance to DDT and BHC in the adults of Culex pipiens pallens Coquillett
Culex pipiens pallens is one of important media to transmit Filariasis due to Wuchereria bancrofti and epidemic encephalitis B and so on which is widely found in northern China .
The research demonstrates that the SHRIMP U-Pb zircon age of the leucosome is ( 147.6 ± 2.5 ) Ma and that the zircon is high in U concentration , extremely low in Th concentration and enriches in heavy REE .
A laboratory study on the action of insect-growth regulator S-31183 to Culex pipiens pallens
RAPD of adult mosquito DNA of Culex pipiens pallens results in the same amplified fragments as that of mosquito cells , These results indicate that the RAPD-PCR technique will be useful in studies of mosquito molecular taxonomy for its simplification 、 rapidness and exactness .
Hop flavors fade fast , and for IPAs and even stronger Imperial IPAs like Pliny , fresh is best : It 's on tap once a year and runs dry in days .