
  • 网络Haibin Road;beach road;Ocean Drive;Bayshore Route
  1. 沿着海滨路走半小时就是一些商店了。

    Half an hour along the beach road are some shops .

  2. 第一次是在1955年,他与当时名气比自己大的吉塔·巴莉结婚,婚礼在孟买Nepean海滨路附近的一座小庙里举行,那天大雨瓢泼,他们并没有通知双方家长,只有一个见证人。

    His first , in 1955 to Geeta Bali , a film star better known than he was , took place in pouring rain in a temple near the Napean Sea Road in Mumbai with only one witness , and without informing the families .

  3. 一些新的海滨木板路将会使用混凝土或合成材料。

    Some of the new boardwalks may be concrete or synthetic .

  4. 随后几年,有很多其他艺术家录制过《在海滨木板路下》。

    Many other artists also recorded Under the Boardwalk in the years that followed .

  5. 大路不通,我们绕道走海滨的路。

    The main road was closed so we went round by the coast road .

  6. 遭遇飓风“桑迪”袭击六周后,纽约和新泽西州的海岸社区正加紧重建重建海滨木板路工作,希望能在明年夏天的旺季来临前完成重建工作。

    Six weeks after Hurricane Sandy , shore communities in New York and New Jersey are racing to rebuild their boardwalks before next summer .

  7. 到海滨去旅行的路有多远?

    How long is the journey to the coast ?

  8. 他现在是在顺着海滨走,一路走,一路极其注意地察看最细微的迹象,他自认为在某些岩石上可追踪到人工凿出的记号。

    Keeping along the shore , and examining the smallest object with serious attention , he thought he could trace , on certain rocks , marks made by the hand of man .