
dònɡ xiónɡ
  • cave bear
  1. 科学家对洞熊的食物结构已争论了好长时间。目前,多数古生物学者仍相信洞熊是食草动物。

    Scientists have long been arguing over the food structure of the cave bear . Currently , most paleontologists believe that cave bears are herbivorous .

  2. 曾经的山顶洞人从畅销小说“洞熊家族”到1981年的电影“山顶洞人”,流行文化倾向于将史前人类曲解为住山洞的野兽。

    Sometime Cavemen From the bestselling novel " Clan of the Cave Bear " to the 1981 movie " Caveman , " pop-culture tends to misrepresent prehistoric people as cave dwelling brutes .

  3. 研究组选择了在比利时Goyet洞居住了几千的洞熊的头骨进行研究。

    The research group selected the skulls of40 cave bears which lived in the Goyet Cave in Belgium thousands of years ago .

  4. 放牛人看着这一幕重复了一次又一次,于是喊道:“你为什么不呆在洞里?”牛仔又跳了出来,喊道:“洞里有只熊!”

    The cattleman watched this happen half a dozen times , then yelled , " Why don 't you just stay in the hole ? " Leaping out again , the cowboy shouted , " There 's a bear in that hole . "