
dòng fǔ
  • Dongfu;abode of fairies and immortals
洞府 [dòng fǔ]
  • [abode of fairies and immortals] 神话中神仙居住的地方

洞府[dòng fǔ]
  1. 山上洞府密集,有大小洞府八个,诡形怪状,各具特色。

    There are eight caves crowded together in the hill and each one has its own feature .

  2. “她带我来到她仙居的小小洞府,在那里,她哭泣、叹息,是我心中伤痛。

    She took me to her elfin grot , And there she wept and sighd fill sore ;

  3. 洞府里的动物世界

    Animal world in the cave

  4. 屏岩洞府素有“江南第一洞天”之称,为道家修行之福地。

    The rocky grotto enjoys a fame of the " no.1 fairyland in South china ", which is a blessed paradise for taoists .