
  • 网络Thai Curry
  1. 特殊的泰国咖喱以大蒜,青葱,辣椒,酸橙树叶,糖和南姜混合在一起为特色,用新鲜的材料做成的。

    A typical Thai curry usually features a mixture of garlic , shallots , chilies , lime leaf , sugar and galangal , and is made with fresh ingredients .

  2. 过去的压缩饼干和牛肉罐头变成了现在的奥利奥夹心饼干,泰国咖喱饭和鲑鱼意大利面片。这些食品可以为士兵提供一天所需的最少4000大卡的热量。

    Gone are biscuit brown and bully beef and in their place are Oreo cookies , Thai green curry and salmon pasta meals designed to provide troops with the minimum 4,000 calories a day they need .

  3. “泰国(咖喱)菜不像一般的咖喱,”厨师说。

    " Thai ( curry ) dishes are not like the usual curries ," says the chef .