
  • 网络PASOK;socialists;Panhellenic Socialist Movement
  1. 由于在300个议会席位中泛希腊社会主义运动党仅控制152席,结果看上去凶多吉少。

    The outcome is on a knife edge , with Pasok controlling only 152 seats in the 300-member parliament .

  2. 一个叫做[公众议题]的市场研究公司最近所作的民调显示,主要的反对党比执政的泛希腊社会主义运动党获得更多的选民支持。

    A recent poll carried out by a market research company called Public Issue showed the main opposition party is beating the ruling Pasok socialist party in voter support .

  3. 最初当希腊支持欧元区纾困方案的紧缩条件的两大主流政党——新民主党(NewDemocracy)和泛希腊社会主义运动党(Pasok)——赢得足够组成议会多数派的席位消息传出时,市场走高。

    Markets initially rallied on news that New Democracy and Pasok , two mainstream parties that support the austerity conditions of the eurozone 's bailout , gained enough seats to form a parliamentary majority in Athens .

  4. “我认为绝大多数的工人都会支持激进左翼联盟党(Syriza)并给他们投票,工人们不会支持泛希腊社会主义运动党(PASOK)或者新民主党,因为左翼联盟支持工人。”

    Among those on the picket line , is Panayiotis Papanikolaou who has worked in the factory for more than 20 years . " Right now , I think most of the workers will support and vote for Syriza , not PASOK or new Democracy , because Syriza supports the workers . "

  5. 他一直试图避免解雇政府资助企业的工人,因为这些工人形成了他的泛希腊社会主义运动的权力基础。

    He has tried to avoid dismissals of public-sector workers , who form a power base for his Panhellenic Socialist Movement .

  6. 然而,由少数几位泛希腊社会主义运动党议员领导的倒戈,并未阻止帕潘德里欧赢得内阁的支持&周二晚间,希腊内阁在召开7个小时的紧急会议后,赞同举行公投。

    But a rebellion led by a handful of Pasok members of parliament did not prevent Mr Papandreou from winning cabinet approval for a referendum on Tuesday night after a seven-hour emergency session .