
  1. 然而专家们说,在很多情况下,超重的喵星人和汪星人都是在借食消愁。

    But experts say that in many cases obese dogs and cats are ' emotional eaters ' .

  2. 福柯认为哪里有权力,哪里就有抵抗,小说中的斯汀戈,莱斯莉,汪娜都对权力做出了不同形式不同程度的反抗。

    According to Foucault , where there is power , there is resistance , the characters Stingo , Leslie , and Wanda all make some resistance in different forms .

  3. 有元一代,汪古部一直都是元统治者进行征服与直接统治中国华北的重要部落。

    The Onggud Tribe was an important domain through which the Mongol-Yuan Dynasties could conquer and reign over northern China .