
ɡǒnɡ qí
  • amalgam
  1. 汞齐是金属在液态汞中的溶液。

    An amalgam is a solution of a metal in liquid hg .

  2. 锰汞齐电极标准电极电势的确定

    The Determination of the Standard Electrode Potential of Standard Manganese Amalgam Electrode

  3. 在线金汞齐浓集冷原子吸收法测定海水中pmol/dm~3级汞

    The determination of P mol / dm ~ 3 level mercury in seawater with cold vapor atomic absorption method combined with the online gold amalgamation traps

  4. 在298K标准锌汞齐电极的标准电极电势

    The Standard Electrode Potential of Standard Zinc Amalgam Electrode at 298 K

  5. 高精密镉铅汞齐饱和标准电池的特性

    The Characteristics of High Precision Saturated Standard Cells with Cd-Pb Amalgam Cathode

  6. 采样与分析方法为金汞齐富集一原子吸收光谱法。

    Sampling and analytical technique was atomic absorbent spectrum method .

  7. 钾汞齐的标准电极电位与平衡电位

    The standard electrode potential and equilibrium potentials of potassium amalgams

  8. 汞的无机或有机化合物,汞齐除外。

    Compounds , inorganic or organic , of mercury , excluding amalagams .

  9. 研究了复合汞齐中金属的扩散。

    Diffusion of metals in complex amalgams was investigated .

  10. 钾汞齐合成甲醇钾工艺的研究

    Manufacture Processes for Potassium Methylate with the Potassium-mercury Amalgam

  11. 古代锡汞齐及其应用

    The Alloy of Tin and Mercury in Ancient China

  12. 高温氧分解&汞齐法快速测定水产品中的总汞含量

    Fast determination of total mercury in aquatic products by thermal oxygenated decomposition-amalgamation-atomic absorption spectrophotometer

  13. 汞齐电极电解法制备高纯镉的研究

    A Study on the Preparation of High Purity Cadmium by Electrolysing with Amalgam Electrode

  14. 锌汞齐的标准电极电位

    The standard electrode potential of zinc amalgam

  15. 以雾化液态合金的方法制备用于牙科的球形合金粉以及研究了牙科汞齐的性能。

    Spherical powders of dental amalgam alloys have been made by atomization from liquid alloys .

  16. 头孢唑啉钠在悬铜汞齐微电极上的电化学行为及其痕量测定

    Electrochemical behavior of cefazolin sodium at hanging copper amalgam dropping microelectrode and its trace determination

  17. 添加RE的银基汞齐合金的研究和应用

    A New RE-added Silver-based Amalgam Alloy

  18. 阴极电极一般选择氢过电位高的金属、合金或汞齐作为阴极,为了避免阴极放出氢气,降低电流效率。

    Usually , we select high hydrogen overpotential material as cathode to avoid giving off hydrogen .

  19. 实验表明,镉铅汞齐标准电池是一种性能优越的标准电池。

    The experimental results show that the Cd-Pb amalgam cathode standard cells have much better performance .

  20. 两次金汞齐-冷原子荧光光谱法测定大气中的痕量气态总汞

    Determination of trace total gaseous mercury in the atmosphere by two-stage gold amalgamation cold vapor atomic fluorescence spectroscopy

  21. 从拜耳法炼铝循环液中回收镓的方法主要有沉淀法、汞齐电解法、萃取法;

    These methods include : precipitation , amalgam electrolysis and extraction for recovering gallium from recycle solution in Bayer process ;

  22. 本文发现钼(Ⅱ)与鲁米诺可以发生化学发光反应,产生很强的发光信号,不稳定的钼(Ⅱ)可在流动注射体系中通过锌汞齐还原柱由钼(Ⅵ)产生。

    The chemiluminescence reaction of the Mo (ⅱ) - luminol system was examined by the flow injection system with the Jones reductor .

  23. 最近,《化学毒理学研究》上的一文指出:随着时间的推移,汞齐的潜在毒性会渐渐消失。

    Now a study in the journal Chemical Research in Toxicology indicates that mercury fillings actually lose their toxic potential over time .

  24. 方法:使用硼氢化钾代替锌汞齐还原羰基,通过乙酰化反应对丹参素及其衍生物进行结构修饰。

    Methods : Carbonyl group was reducted with potassium borohydride in stead of zinc amalgam ; the danshensu and its derivatives were acetylated .

  25. 本文主要研究了甲醇与钾汞齐在铁/碳催化剂作用下合成甲醇钾的工艺。

    A process for preparation of the potassium methylate with the potassium-mercury amalgam and methanol using Fe / C as catalyst was provided .

  26. 自镨、钕中分离钐和镱。在锂汞齐电极电极上于柠檬酸溶液体系中,有利于制备各稀土元素的汞齐或有可能进行轻、重稀土元素之间的分组分离。

    The preparation of rare earths amalgams and the separation between light and heavy rare earths are more available in lithium citrate electrolyte .

  27. 采用二次金汞齐-冷原子吸收光谱法对贵阳市城市民用管道煤气中汞含量进行了测定。

    Two stage gold amalgamation cold vapor atomic adsorption spectrometry method was used to determine the content of mercury in piping gas of Guiyang city .

  28. 镉铅汞齐饱和标准电池具有很高的稳定性和较低的电动势温度系数。

    It has been proved that the saturated cadmium sulphate standard cells with cadmium-lead amalgam cathode have a high emf stability and low emf temperature coefficient .

  29. 球粉汞齐的性能,诸如固化过程中的尺寸变化,压缩强度,流变及蠕变等均达到美国牙医协会技术指标。

    The properties of the amalgams of spherical powders , such as dimension change during hardening , compressive strength , flow and creep meet the specification No.

  30. 锌、镉、铅、铜在富集中和铋形成类似于汞齐的合金,溶出峰良好。

    Zinc , cadmium , lead , copper and bismuth form an alloy of similarly amalgam in the process of concentration , with a good stripping peak .