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  1. PLS分光光度法同时测定氨基酸混合物的研究

    Study on PLS spectrophotometric method for simultaneous determination of amino-acid mixtures

  2. 大豆高支链氨基酸混合物营养价值的研究

    Studies on the nutritive quality of the soybean high branched-chain amino acid mixture

  3. 氨基酸混合物对烤烟产质影响的研究初报

    Preliminary study on influence of amino acid mixture on yield and quality of flue-cured tobacco

  4. 研究还表明对于氨基酸混合物通过纸色谱分离显色,进行扫描定量分析的最大误差不超过11%。

    Affinity Chromatography This study show the amino sample can be separated by planar chromatography .

  5. 大豆高支低芳氨基酸混合物是从大豆蛋白质中制取的一种特殊组成的氨基酸混合物。

    A soybean high branched-chain and low aromatic acid mixture with special composition was made from soybean protein .

  6. 这些结果提示,大豆高支低芳氨基酸混合物对肝功不全的治疗具有显著作用。

    These results indicated that the soybean high branched-chain and low aromatic amino acid mixture had better effects in treatment of hepatic dysfunction .

  7. 以团棵期、旺长期、现蕾期各叶面喷施1次4‰氨基酸混合物液体效果为佳。

    Spray of amino acid liquid at the 4 ‰ concentration once during rosette stage , fast growing period and flower bud appearing period respectively had the best effect .

  8. 同时选择含水量为40%的微乳液对氨基酸混合物进行了分离鉴定并与传统的展开剂作了比较;

    Several amino acid mixtures were separated and determined using a microemulsion with 40 % hydrous content which was compared with the traditional developer of ethanol / water / acetic acid mixture .

  9. 动物烫伤治疗实验表明,该种氨基酸混合物能改善烫伤后的负氮平衡,提高血清白蛋白含量,其作用显著优干酪蛋白,略优于强化大豆平衡氨基酸,提示可作为创伤营养剂的良好氮源。

    The results of this experiment show that the mixture ( II ) can improve negative nitrogen balance and elevate the level of serum albumin , and is a good nitrogen source for elemental diet after trauma .

  10. 这些谷物中复杂的淀粉和蛋白质必须被变成一种更容易被利用的简单的碳水化合物和氨基酸的混合物的形式。

    The complex starches and proteins in these grains must be changed to a more readily usable mixture of simpler carbohydrates and amino acids .

  11. 对其分子量分布的研究发现,它们是一些分子量分布较广但以小分子为主的肽和少量游离氨基酸的混合物。

    Study on molecular weight distribution of three DH bitter peptides showed they were the compound of wide scope and short peptides and a small quantity of free amino acid .

  12. 酶解产物的主要成份是含氮物质,占总固含物的91.0%,为肽和少量游离氨基酸的混合物。

    The main components of the enzymatic hydrolysate are nitrogen-containing substances , which are mixtures mainly composed of polypeptides with smaller quantity of free amino acids and account for 91.0 % of the solid matter .

  13. 其必需氨基酸含量占混合物的68.9%,支链氨基酸含量占42.9%。

    The mixture contained 68.9 % of essential ami-no acids and 42.9 % of branched-chain amino acids .

  14. 蛋白胨是微生物生长所需的主要营养氮源,是一种由眎、胨、肽、氨基酸等组成的混合物。

    Peptone is the main nutrient nitrogen for microbial growth which is the mixture composed with protein , peptone , peptide , amino acid .

  15. 这些值均显著高于酪蛋白、略高于大豆平衡氨基酸,表明此种氨基酸混合物没有因支链氨基酸含量高而发生氨基酸拮抗作用,具有较高的营养价值。

    These values were significantly higher than that of casein . The results indicated that the soybean high branched-chain amio acid mixture did not produce amino acid antagonism caused by the high amount of branched-chain amino acids and had higher nutritional quality .

  16. 文章综述了离子交换法与氨基酸的分离纯化,包括分离纯化单一氨基酸及对氨基酸混合物进行分组分离纯化。

    Separation and purification of amino acids by ion exchange is reviewed in this paper , including separating and purifying a kind of amino acid and separating and purifying mixed amino acids .