
  • 网络flucloxacillin;Floxacillin
  1. 氟氯西林胶囊剂口服的疗效及安全性临床评价

    The clinical efficacy and safety evaluation of flucloxacillin capsule

  2. 目的研究氟氯西林钠胶囊(青霉素类抗生素)的相对生物利用度并评价其生物等效性。

    Objective To study the relative bioavailability and to evaluate bioequivalence of flucloxacillin sodium capsule .

  3. HPLC法测定注射用氟氯西林钠氨苄西林钠的含量及有关物质

    Determination of flucloxacillin sodium and ampicillin for injection by HPLC

  4. 建立了HPLC法测定复方氨苄西林-氟氯西林胶囊含量及有关物质。

    HPLC method was established for the determination of ampicillin , flucloxacillin and related substances in co-fluampicil capsules .

  5. 目的建立注射用氟氯西林钠氨苄西林钠含量的HPLC测定方法。

    Objective To establish a method for the determination of flucloxacillin sodium and ampicillin sodium for injection by HPLC .

  6. 联合会已发现抗生素氟氯西林(Flucloxacillin)导致肝损伤的相关遗传联系。

    The consortium has identified a genetic link associated with liver injury in some people who receive the antibiotic Flucloxacillin .

  7. 方法用随机交叉给药方法,20名男性健康志愿者分别口服单剂量试验制剂和参比制剂的氟氯西林钠500mg;

    Methods A single oral dose 500 mg flucloxacillin sodium capsules was given to 20 healthy volunteers in an open randomized crossover study .

  8. 为了评价氟氯西林胶囊剂的临床疗效和安全性,以氟氯西林治疗轻、中度敏感菌感染患者1000例,每次用药250mg或500mg,疗程5天。

    To evaluate the efficacy and safety of flucloxacillin capsule , 1000 patients were treated with flucloxacillin 0.25 ~ 0.5 po . tid . for 5d .

  9. 目的探讨氟氯西林、克拉维酸与超广谱头孢菌素协同法(双抑制剂扩散协同法,DIDST)检测AmpCβ内酰胺酶(AmpCBLA)和超广谱β内酰胺酶(ESBLs)的应用价值。

    Objectives To consider the reliability of using flucloxacillin ( FCC ) and clavulanic with extended spectrum cephalosporin synergy method ( double inhibitors diffuse synergy test , DIDST ) to detect AmpC β lactamases ( AmpC BLA ) and extended spectrum β lactamases ( ESBLs ) .

  10. 剖宫产术后患者口服氟氯西林预防感染的疗效观察

    A Study of the Effect of Peroral Flucloxacillin in the Prevention of Infection after Cesarean Section

  11. 注射用氟氯西林钠的药动学

    Pharmacokinetics of flucloxacillin sodium for injection

  12. 结论该法适用于注射用氟氯西林钠的单次肌内注射给药的药物动力学研究。

    A HPLC method has been established for the determination of glutamate sodium in flucloxacillin sodium granule .

  13. 结论无感染的剖宫产术后患者可口服氟氯西林预防感染,减少全身用药对母婴的影响,降低医疗费用。

    Conclusion Peroral flucloxacillin may be used in parturients after aseptic cesarean section for the prevention of infection and harmful effects of systemic medication on the mother and child as well as for the reduction of medical expense .