
  • 网络hydrogen fluoride;Hydrofluoric Acid;AHF
  1. 减少无水氟化氢生产物耗及腐蚀之对策

    Measures to reduce material consumption and corrosion in AHF production

  2. 玻璃对高碱环境的长期攻击敏感,HF(氟化氢)产生严重的物理磨损。

    The glass is susceptible to long-term attack by high-alkalinity environments and HF ( hydrogen fluoride ), as well as to severe physical abrasion .

  3. 氟化氢对植物叶片中SOD酶活力和MDA含量的影响

    Effect of HF on activity of superoxide dismutase and concentration of MDA in plants

  4. 氟化氢与乙烯加成反应的ABINITIO分子轨道研究

    An ab initio MO study on addition reaction of HF on ethylene

  5. 氟硅酸钾制无水氟化氢的aspenplus模拟分析

    Simulation and Analysis of Anhydrous Hydrogen Fluoride Production Process from Potassium Fluosilicate by Aspen Plus Engineering Software

  6. 阐述了花卉在削弱室内空气污染,提高空气质量方面的作用:吸收有毒气体;二氧化硫(SO2)、氟化氢(HF)、氯气(Cl2)等;

    The article introduces the functions of flowering plants in weakening purification of air and improving the quality of air : absorb noxious gas such as SO2 , HF and CL2 ;

  7. 用卡尔&费休法对处理后的HF的含水量进行测定,结果表明,随着电解时间的延长,电解电流和氟化氢中的水分含量逐渐减小,最后达到一定值。

    The worked HF was measured with Karl-Fischer titration method . The results showed that when the state of anode is constant , the current water content of worked HF decrease with the electrolysis and reach the last content .

  8. 介绍了利用SPG-200脉冲功率源产生电子束激励氟化氢激光的实验研究情况。

    The experimental study on an electron-beam-initiated hydrogen fluoride laser with SPG-200 pulsed power generator is introduced .

  9. 邻氨基苯甲酸在-5~-2C於氟化氢中直接重氮化,后将重氮盐於80C分解,产生邻氟苯甲酸。

    Direct diazotisation of anthranilic acid at 5 ~ 2 ℃ in the presence of hydrogen fluoride , followed by decomposition of the diazonium fluoride at 80 ℃, gave o-fluorobenzoic acid .

  10. 计算结果表明,在苯和直链烯烃摩尔比大于10:1,氟化氢和烃类的体积比大于0.6:1,停留时间不小于14s的条件下,直链烯烃转化率可达90%以上。

    The calculation results showed that the conversion of linear alkene could reach more than 90 % as molar ratio of benzene to linear alkene > 10 , volume ratio of HF to hydrocarbon > 0.6 , residence time ≥ 14s .

  11. 光刻中的气相氟化氢与二氧化硅反应的研究

    Study on the reaction of silicon dioxide with gaseous hydrogen fluoride

  12. 氟化氢接触者的诱变研究

    Studies on the Mutagenesis in the Workers Exposed to Hydrogen Fluoride

  13. 烷基苯生产中氟化氢用量分析

    Analysis of Dosage of Hydrogen Fluoride in Production of Linear Alkylbenzene

  14. 氟化氢对植物抗氧化酶活性的影响

    Effect of HF on the Activities of Antioxidative Enzymes in Plants

  15. 废酸液中回收氟化氢的实验研究

    Experimental and research on fluorine hydride recycled from waste acid

  16. 电子捕获检测器气相色谱法分析氟化氢

    Gas chromatographic analysis of hydrogen fluoride by electron capture detector

  17. 气相结晶技术模型在合成氟化氢铵工艺中的应用

    Application of Vapor Crystallization Model to Synthesis of Ammonium Bifluoride

  18. 所以这是氟化氢中的氢氟共价键。

    And so this is the H-F bond in HF .

  19. 氦原子与氟化氢分子碰撞的同位素效应

    Isotope Effect for the Collisions between Helium Atoms and Hydrogen Fluoride Molecules

  20. 气相法合成氟化氢铵的研究

    Study on the Preparation of Ammonium Bifluoride in Gas Phase

  21. 运行参数对氟化氢泛频激光器输出功率和谱线的影响

    The effects on HF overtone laser output characteristics with the operation parameters

  22. 扩散法被动式氟化氢个体监测器的研制

    New approach of hydrogen fluoride personal monitor by diffusion sampling

  23. 穿流栅板塔设计及其在氟化氢吸收中的应用

    Design of the Turbogrid Tray Tower and its Application in HF Absorption

  24. 氟化氢脱气系统改造的探析

    Discussion on the reform of degassing system for hydrogen fluoride

  25. 树木接触臭氧、氟化氢与应激乙烯的产生

    The exposure of woody plants to o_3 and HF and stress ethylene release

  26. 氟化氢熏气对水稻叶片伤害阈值的研究

    A Study on the Dose Threshold of Injury by Hydrogen Fluoride to Rice

  27. 含强缔合氟化氢体系的热力学模型

    Thermodynamic model for systems containing strong associated hydrogen fluoride

  28. 电解法去除氟化氢中微量水

    The Dryness of Little Water in HF by Electrolysis

  29. 氟-氟化氢分析仪的研制

    Development of an analyser for fluorine and hydrogen fluoride

  30. 二氧化硫、氟化氢等有害气体对植物叶片组织的影响

    The effects of the harmful gases so_2 and HF on plant leaf structure