
  • 网络aerostatic bearing
  1. 气体静压轴承具有运转平滑、精度高、寿命长、无污染、小温升等优点,从而广泛应用于高速、轻载、精密和超精密加工等场合。

    Aerostatic bearing has the merit of smooth operation , high precision , long life , pollution-free , small temperature rise etc. So it is widely used in the situation of high-speed and light loads , precision and ultra-precision machining and so on .

  2. 应用Marc分析气体静压轴承静态性能

    Static Performance Analysis of Aerostatic Bearing with Marc

  3. 基于单元气体静压轴承的承载性能,简化多支承气体静压电主轴的支承和主轴结构,建立了有限元分析模型,借助ANSYS软件分析轴系的各种结构方案,并进行承载特性分析对比。

    The paper was based on load-bearing properties of elementary aerostatic bearing , predigested support and spindle structure of multi-support aerostatic motorized spindle , established finite-element analysis model , analyzed all kinds of structureal designs of shafting refer to ANSYS software , analyzed and compared load-bearing characteristics .

  4. 透平膨胀机气体静压轴承的修复

    Repair of the gas static - pressure bearing of the turbo expander

  5. 气体静压轴承有限元计算方法中的收敛问题

    On Convergence of Calculating Aerostatic Bearings by Finite Element Method

  6. 高速多支承气体静压轴承电主轴的承载特性研究

    Load Property Study of High Speed Motorized Spindle on Multi-support Aerostatic Bearing

  7. 小孔节流方式对气体静压轴承工作刚度影响的分析

    Analysis of Orifice Compensated Mode Affecting Aerostatic Bearings Working Stiffness

  8. 制造误差对气体静压轴承涡流力矩影响分析方法研究

    Numerical Analysis of Manufacturing Error Influence on Vortex Torque of Externally Pressurized Gas Bearings

  9. 薄板反馈在气体静压轴承中的作用

    Application of diaphragm feedback to gas hydrostatic bearing

  10. 多孔质气体静压轴承在三轴转台设计中的应用

    Application of Porous Aerostatic Bearings in Three-axis Table

  11. 气体静压轴承广泛应用于航空、航天、精密电子工业中。

    Aerostatic bearings have been applied widely in aviation , aerospace and precision electronics .

  12. 该方法大大地提高了气体静压轴承刚度的测试精度与测试效率。

    This method increases the measuring accuracy and efficiency greatly about the aerostatic bearing rigidity .

  13. 本文的结论对气体静压轴承的设计与制造。具有一定的实际意义。

    The conclusions of this paper gave some certain practical significance to the design and manufacture of aerostatic cylindricalbearings .

  14. 本文重点介绍这种超高速微细孔钻削电主轴设计的关键技术,包括气体静压轴承的设计、内装电机的冷却与散热等。

    In this paper , the key technologies of the high-speed motorized spindle design and the air bearings for this spindle are introduced .

  15. 其中包括气悬浮测振支承理论的基础、气体静压轴承的设计、关键零件的技术要求和加工工艺等。

    After the theoretical basis of air-bearing system , the design of air static pressure bearing and the technology of key accessory are stated .

  16. 与传统的小孔节流气体静压轴承相比,气体静压多孔质轴承具有高承载能力、高阻尼和很好的稳定性等。

    Compared with conventional orifice restriction aerostatic bearings , aerostatic porous bearings have some advantages for example high load capacity , high damp , wider stability , etc.

  17. 应用计算机,从设置静不平衡与偶不平衡、数据的采集到数据处理,实现精密离心机气体静压轴承刚度在线自动测试。

    The online automatic measurement of aerostatic bearing rigidity can be realized by a computer , from setting up static imbalance and couple imbalance to data acquisition and processing .

  18. 分析电容测微仪输出的振动矢量,建立以气体静压轴承刚度为未知量的离心机转子的力矩方程。

    The vibration vectors from the capacitance transducers were analyzed , and the moment equation about the centrifuge rotor is created , in which the aerostatic bearing rigidity is an unknown quantity .

  19. 在对多孔质气体静压轴承分析时,多孔质材料内部流体的惯性效应以及多孔质轴承表面的速度滑移对所建立的简化数学模型的应用是一个很大的障碍。

    Inertial effects in porous media as well as velocity sliding at the porous bearing and film interface , have prevented from using simple mathematical models for the analyses of porous aerostatic bearings .

  20. 目前,提高气体静压轴承的刚度和承载能力可以通过增大供气压力、增加节流孔数目等方法实现。

    At present , it can through the methods of increasing the gas pressure , increasing the number of orifice and so on to increase the load capacity and stiffness of aerostatic bearing .

  21. 为了获得精密离心机气体静压轴承刚度高精度的测试结果,在离心机主轴轴线的某一平面内放置两个电容测微仪,测试主轴几何轴线的径向位移。

    In order to obtain high accurate measuring results of the aerostatic bearing rigidity , two capacitance transducers to were mounted in one plane along the main axis of the precision centrifuge to measure the radial displacement of the rotors geometric axis .

  22. 在离散化过程中,利用加权余量法将二阶偏微分方程降低一阶,放松了对插值函数连续度的要求,便于借助有限元技术分析狭缝节流气体静压轴承的流场参数。

    The second-order partial differential equation , Reynolds equation , is reduced by one-order with the weighted residual method in the discretization procedure , which re - leases the requirement of continuity degree of the interpolation function while finite element method is adopted .

  23. 气体静压轴承由于具有运动精度高,摩擦损耗小,发热变形小,寿命长,无污染等特点,在航空航天工业、半导体工业、纺织工业和测量仪器中得到广泛应用。

    Externally pressurized gas bearing has been widely used in the field of aviation , semiconductor , weave , and measurement apparatus because of its advantage of high accuracy , little friction , low heat distortion , long life-span , and no pollution .

  24. 在考虑轴承的制造误差情况下,采用Galerkin有限元方法(FEM)对小孔节流型气体静压圆柱轴承的静态特性,即承载能力和刚度,进行了理论计算和分析。

    Taking consideration of the existence of manufacturing errors of aerostatic journal bearing , the paper deals with the calculation and theoretical analysis of the static characteristics of aerostatic journal bearing with orifices by Galerkin Finite Element Method ( FEM ) .

  25. 局部多孔质气体静压轴向轴承静态特性的数值求解

    Numerical Solution of Static Characteristics for Partial Porous Aerostatic Thrust Bearing

  26. 几何形误差对气体静压圆柱轴承运动精度的影响

    Effects of Geometrical Error on the Kinematic Accuracy of Aerostatic Bearing

  27. 误差对气体静压球轴承静态承载性能的影响分析

    Analysis of errors ' effect on carrying-capacity of orifice compensated externally pressurized gas spherical bearing

  28. 形状误差对气体静压圆柱轴承静特性的影响

    Effect of the Geometrical Form Error on the Static Characteristics of the Aerostatic Cylindrical Bearing

  29. 具有可变均压槽的气体静压推力轴承性能研究多孔质气体润滑轴承设计理论与实验方法

    A Study on Characteristics of Air Static Pressure Thrust Bearing with Variable-Section Pressure Equalizing Groove

  30. 本文根据简化的二维流动模型,提出一种新的计算方法,用以计算小孔节流气体静压向心轴承的承载能力和刚度。

    This paper presents an analytical method for calculating the load capacity and stiffness of externally pressurized gas journal bearings .