
máo xì xiàn xiànɡ
  • capillarity
毛细现象 [máo xì xiàn xiàng,máo xì zuò yòng]
  • [capillary phenomenon;capillarity] 与固体接触的液体表面升高或降低的作用,它决定于液体分子相互间和液体分子对固体分子的相对吸引力,这种作用在插入液体的毛细管中尤其容易观察到,它决定了管内外液面的高度差

  1. 毛细现象平衡高度静力学分析的教学探讨

    Discussion about the statics analysis of capillarity 's balance height

  2. 浸润及毛细现象的能量来源

    Wetting and the Energy Sources of Capillarity

  3. 这一公式对图12-22(b)所表示的下降毛细现象同样成立。

    The same equation holds for capillary depression , shown in Fig. 12-22 ( b ) .

  4. 毛细现象在日常生活和科技生产中都有着重要的作用。

    Capillary phenomenon plays an important act in our daily life and production .

  5. 小尺度水力学模型中的测压管毛细现象

    Piezometric capillary phenomenon in small - scale hydraulic model

  6. 这种忽略毛细现象的考虑对于粗糙物质是适用的。

    The logic is applicable to coarse materials when capillary effects can be neglected .

  7. 润湿现象和毛细现象的热力学描述

    Thermodynamic description of wetting phenomena and capillarity

  8. 关于毛细现象的能量来源的讨论

    Discussion on the energy sources of capillarity

  9. 探讨了小麦水分调节的机理、渗透途径、毛细现象和温度对毛细渗透作用的影响。

    The principle , penetrating path , capillary phenomenon and effect of temperature were discussed .

  10. 毛细现象的能量来源

    The energy sources of capillarity phenomena

  11. 毛细现象平衡高度

    The Balance Height of Capillarity

  12. 文章中探讨了新工艺减少产品的毛细现象,使白炭黑更容易洗涤;

    This paper to explore new technology to reduce the product of capillary phenomena , more easily washed silica ;

  13. 用于皮肤的缝线应使用无毛细现象、且为不可吸收性的材质,以降低术后感染的风险。

    Closure of the skin with non-capillary , non-absorbable material is essential to reduce the risk of post-operative infection .

  14. 毛细现象是水份沿木质部和土壤空隙运输的重要特征。电阻率-孔隙度交绘图法

    It is a key feature in the movement of water through the xylem and through the finer pores of the soil . resistivity-porosity cross plotting

  15. 大孔树脂孔参数最普通的测定方法是吸附和毛细现象(向孔隙中压汞,吸附和毛细凝聚)为基础。

    The general methods lor determining pore parameters of macroporous ion exchange resin and polymeric adsorbent are exploited on the principle of adsorption and capillary phenomenon .

  16. 应用多组分、多界面系统的热力学基本公式,对沾湿、浸湿、铺展、毛细现象等进行讨论,所得结论与传统方法一致。

    Based on thermodynamic basic formula of the multi-component and multi-surface systems , complete and incomplete wetting behavior and capillarity are discussed . The conclusion agrees with traditional method .

  17. 根据多界面系统的热力学基本公式,用自由能判据分析了自发的等温沾湿、湿润、铺展、毛细现象的不可逆性。

    Based on thermodynamic basic formula of multi-surface systems , with the free energy criterion of thermal equilibrium , the irreversibility of complete and incomplete lubricate phenomena and capillary phenomena are discussed .

  18. 毛细现象是浸润液体在细管中升高或不浸润液体在细管中降低的现象。

    Capillarity refers to the increasing of the infiltration liquid and the decreasing of the non-infiltration liquid in the tubule , and it can be applied extensively in the daily life and production .

  19. 本文提出在小尺度水工模型试验中,在特定条件下,毛细现象时试验结果的精度会产生影响,并根据试验成果给出了推求毛细上升高度的经验公式。

    The paper puts forword the influence of capillary phenomenon to the test result accuracy under specific condition in small-scale hydraulic model test and gives the experimental formula according to the test result .

  20. 本文从附加力和分手势讲的角度来解释表面张力和润湿现象,并讨论了毛细现象中的能量问题。

    On the basis of additive force and potential well , an explanation which is different from most textbooks is presented , and a discussion about the energy relations of Capillarity Phenomena is given .

  21. 介绍了有关液体表面层、单液膜和双面膜球形气泡内外压强差的比较以及毛细现象中液面高度随半径变化规律的演示设计和实验方法。

    In this paper , we introduce the design and the method to demonstrate liquid surface phenomenon , such as the pressure difference associated with single or double spherical liquid surface , the capillary radius dependence of the height of liquid in capillary tube .

  22. 在毛细现象平衡高度静力学分析的教学过程中,注重教学过程的趣味性、启发性和实践性,充分调动学生学习的积极性和主动性,培养学生的思维能力,提高教学质量。

    During the teaching course of the statics analysis of capillarity 's balance height , we should pay attention to the interest , inspiration and practicality , fully call out students ' enthusiasm and initiative , develop students ' thinking ability , and improve teaching quality .

  23. 根据毛细现象的附加压强理论,解释了剪断毛细管后,管中剩余的水分处于悬浮状态这一现象;

    The phenomenon that the moisture in the remained capillary tube stands in suspension state after shearing off the lower capillary tube near the water surface of the basin caused by the added pressure from the capillary meniscus is explained by the theory of the capillary added pressure .

  24. 基于Kelvin方程和膜的结构考虑,水蒸气可能在疏松多孔的支撑层内发生毛细冷凝现象。

    On considering Kelvin equation and the structure of composite membrane , capillary condensation phenomenon occur in tiny pores of the spongy support layer .

  25. 分子动力学模拟狭缝炭孔内的毛细相变现象

    Molecular Dynamics Studies of Capillary Phase - transition in the Slit Carbon Pores

  26. 利用该模型对埋管的热过程、砂土物性测量、毛细滞后现象、回湿过程、突发高温作用下多孔介质内部的传热传质过程和冻融过程进行了研究。

    The model was applied successfully to simulate the transport process of buried pipe , capillary hysteresis , rewetting , consolidating and thawing in porous media .