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  1. 文章从内容和艺术两个方面对毛纶、毛宗岗的叙事目标论进行了探讨。

    This theory is discussed from two levels , content and art .

  2. 所谓叙事手段,是指由毛纶、毛宗岗主观重构的作者围绕叙事目标所采取的种种方法和途径。

    Narrative method includes all kinds of measures and mediums , which were used by editor to achieve his narrative target .

  3. 正因为这样,毛纶、毛宗岗的叙事理论刚好弥补了西方经典叙事理论擅长切割作品而与美失去关联的缺陷。

    Just like this , Mao 's theory of Narrative overcomes the drawbacks of the Western Narrative theory . That is , they never cut works and never made texts lose touch with aesthetic .

  4. 毛纶、毛宗岗的阐说显然是以较为主观的态度推导作者的用心,并且多从美的角度或读者的审美心理的角度出发考虑文本的种种安排。

    Mao 's interpretations obviously infer editors ' purpose by a subjective attitude and they also set out of from the angle of aesthetic or readers ' aesthetic mentality to make all kinds of arrangement for the texts .