
  • 网络Anti-acne;Pore;large pore
  1. 油性皮肤通常会让你油光满面,毛孔粗大,布满黑头。在VideoJug的帮助下,你可以轻松应对这个问题。

    Oily skin is shiny and thick with open pores and blackhead , so learn how to combat this with VideoJug 's help .

  2. 你需要每天涂抹SPF30的防晒霜,不仅可以有效防止皮肤癌,还能防止细纹、皱纹、毛孔粗大以及肤色不均等问题。

    You should be wearing an SPF 30 every day , not only to protect against skin cancer but to prevent fine lines , wrinkles , large pores , and uneven skin tone .

  3. 消除及改善毛孔粗大、痤疮疤痕。

    Eliminate and enhance rough pore , acne and scar .

  4. 用法:取适量,均匀擦于毛孔粗大部位。

    Usage : Evenly apply adequate amount to the rough pore area .

  5. 针对长期出痘痘和毛孔粗大的油性皮肤问题。产地:埃及。

    Specific for acne-prone skin and enlarged pores . Origin : Egypt .

  6. 毛孔粗大、皮肤粗拙、肤色灰暗、受损皮肤的修复。

    Repair of coarse pore , rough skin , dark skin and damaged skin .

  7. 适用人群:中油性肤质、毛孔粗大肌肤、有黑头肌肤。

    Suitable crowd : Normal and oil skin , big pore skin , black pore skin .

  8. 可以改善毛孔粗大,肤色不均,细纹,皮肤干枯,表皮肌肤脆弱等问题。

    Among these benefits is the ability to visibly improve the appearance of enlarged pores , uneven skin tone , fine lines , dullness , and a weakened skin surface .

  9. 在面部贴一张纸巾,如果可以在纸巾上看到油,如果你经常油光满面需要擦洗,如果毛孔粗大,有黑头,说明你的皮肤是油性的。

    You may have oily skin if you press a tissue onto the skin and you can see oil , you have a shiny face that needs blotting , or you have open pores and blackheads .

  10. 热胀冷缩的道理谁都懂得,过热的水温会令毛孔张得很大,长久下来反而会造成毛孔粗大。

    Heat bilges cold everybody understands the reason that shrink , the pore of water Wen Huiling of overheat piece very big , come down for a long time to be able to cause pore instead bulky .

  11. 让油性肌肤皮肤泛油光、毛孔粗大、有黑头、肤色暗哑、肤质粗糙、肤色不均等一系列问题不复存在,让肌肤重回润滑、粉嫩、充满年轻光彩。

    The product can completely remove oily gloss , shrink rough pores , remove comedones , fade dull and uneven tone , and tender rough skin , and recover skin to moist , tender , young and bright state .

  12. 方法:采用皇后光子嫩肤仪对毛细血管扩张、血管型酒渣鼻、雀斑、色素沉着、细小皱纹、毛孔粗大等60例光老化病变进行治疗,每位患者3~6次不等,治疗间隔为3~4周。

    Methods : Sixty cases with photo aging symptoms including telangiectasia , acne rosacea , freckles , pigmentation , fine wrinkles and bulky pores were treated with photo rejuvenation . The treatment times varied from 3 to 6 , and the interval between the treatments were 3 to 4 weeks .

  13. 你的皮肤很不错但是你有一点黑头毛孔有些粗大

    I think your skin is gorgeous , but I do think you 've got a little bit of blackheads and large pores ,

  14. 但要注意的是,在术后一定要保证防晒。因为这是的皮肤脆弱,如不注意可能会导致毛孔更加粗大,并生黑头。

    Usually a strong facial scrub is rubbed into the skin in a circular motion paying extra attention to trouble spots where pores are more congested with oils and blackheads .