
dú yào
  • poison;toxicant;poisonous substance;deadly drug
毒药 [dú yào]
  • [poison;deadly drug;toxicant] 危害生物体的有毒的药物

毒药[dú yào]
  1. 《毒药》在1991年的圣丹斯电影节上获得一等奖。

    ' Poison ' took first prize at the 1991 Sundance Film Festival

  2. 酒精饮料对小孩犹如毒药。

    Alcoholic drinks act as a poison to a child .

  3. 他对一些毒药的性质和作用的描述惊人地准确。

    Her description of the nature and action of poisons is amazingly accurate .

  4. 我们服的药相对来说药性温和,但是我们却在把它们变成毒药。

    We 're taking relatively benign medicines and we 're turning them into poisons .

  5. 报纸上的这篇文章给她冠以“社交毒药”之名,称人皆不宜与其为伍。

    The newspaper article had branded her a social leper not fit to be seen in company .

  6. 马钱子碱、砷和鸦片都是毒药。

    Strychnine , arsenic , and opium are poison .

  7. “人们吃的东西可能是药,也可能是毒药,”雷亚说。

    " What people eat can be medicine or poison , " Rea says .

  8. 毒药论是一个有力的论据。

    The poison argument is a strong one .

  9. 爱情的毒药,诱人却也沾染剧毒!

    The love toxicant , is attractive actually also contaminates violentlypoisonously !

  10. 她服了致命剂量的毒药死了。

    She took a lethal amount of poison and died .

  11. 这种毒药没有解药。

    There is no known antidote for this poison .

  12. 古老的格言“所有的万能药都变成毒药”适用于大多数新技术,并且它对于Web服务同样适用。

    The old adage " all panaceas become poison " applies to most new technologies , and it applies no less to Web Services .

  13. 有毒药Cu、Na、Li含量显著高于无毒药。

    The content of Cu , Na , Li in toxic Chinese herb medicines was higher significantly than that in nontoxic herbs .

  14. Gift:我们都被教育馈赠之物,切莫挑剔;可能在德国更是这样,在那儿,这个单词的意思是毒药。

    Gift : Never look a gift horse in the mouth , were told ; perhaps more so in Germany where the word means poison .

  15. 肝靶向抗病毒药NGA-ACV的制备及其趋肝性

    Preparation of hepatic targeting antivirus agent Nga ACV and its targeting property

  16. 结果:AIDS患者服用抗病毒药以后从未停药者占87.67%,停药者停药的原因分析显示,66.7%是因为严重药物副反应。

    Results : AIDS patient who take the anti-virus drug has 87.67 % without stopping the medicine . 66.7 % of those who stopped anti-virus medicine is that because the side reaction .

  17. 陈冯富珍说,生产抗病毒药达菲(Tamiflu)的罗氏公司(RocheHoldingAg)已向世卫捐赠了大量这种药品。

    Ms. Chan said that Roche Holding AG , maker of Tamiflu , has made sizable donations of the drug to the organization .

  18. 如在临床疾病早期给予抗病毒药利巴韦林(ribavirin),这对拉沙热是有效的治疗。

    The antiviral drug ribavirin is effective treatment for Lassa fever if given early on in the course of clinical illness .

  19. 就装着一种叫belladonna的毒药。

    Contained belladonna , which is a poison .

  20. 目的评价利巴韦林、更昔洛韦、单磷酸阿糖腺苷3种常用抗病毒药对家兔外周血血红蛋白含量(Hb)和网织红细胞比率(Ret)的影响。

    Objective To assess the effects of 3 commonly used antiviral drugs ribavirin , ganciclovir and vidarabine monophosphate on the erythropoiesis in the rabbits .

  21. Q.如果有一种毒药能够阻断肾小管的再吸收功能,但不影响过滤功能,那么服用这种毒药在短期内会产生什么影响?

    Q. A toxin blocks the ability of thenephron tubule reabsorption but does not affect filtration . What are thepossible short-term effects of this toxin ?

  22. 缬更昔洛韦(valganciclovir)是抗病毒药更昔洛韦的前体药物,用于治疗AIDS病人发生的巨细胞病毒(CMV)视网膜炎。

    Valganciclovir is a prodrug of ganciclovir which has been developed for the treatment of cytomegalovirus ( CMV ) retinitis in patients with AIDS .

  23. 采用聚合酶链反应对主要在抗病毒药治疗后从其上呼吸道采集的样本反复检测所有流感A病毒,包括H5N1,均呈阴性。

    Repeated tests on samples taken from his upper respiratory tract , most after antiviral treatment , were negative by PCR for all influenza A viruses , including H5N1 .

  24. 在对Russ的全国性讨论中,不信任的气息开始弥漫,就像水杯里的毒药。

    In national discourse of Russ , a thread of mistrust began to uncurl , like poison in a water glass .

  25. 目的综述抗病毒药拉米夫定(3TC)及其类似物(-)FTC的化学合成、药理活性研究进展。

    Objective To summarize progresses of chemosynthesis and biological activity of lamivudine ( 3TC ) and its analog ( - ) FTC .

  26. ET是由美国埃莫里大学和三角药物公司联合开发的核苷类逆转录酶抑制剂(口服用药或静脉注射),2003年7月再美国上市。它是再拉米夫定的基础上开发出的核苷类抗病毒药。

    It was a kind of nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor drug , which was developed jointly by American Emory university and triangle pharmic company and marketed in july , 2003.It is a kind of nucleoside antivirus drug developed in the base of lamivudine .

  27. 在宽肩盛行的80年代,Giorgio和迪奥(ChristianDior)的“毒药”(Poison)等香水用浓郁的香氛大声地表达,而就在那之前几年,1978年的Nuance广告则告诉女人,香水不应该太强烈或者太夸张。

    a few years before the big-shouldered 1980s fragrances such as Giorgio and Christian Dior 's Poison shouted their messages , women were told their perfume shouldn 't be too strong or loud . '

  28. 上海有关部门强调,H7N9病毒仍对瑞士罗氏公司(Tamiflu)生产的抗病毒药达菲(Tamiflu)敏感,及时得到诊断的病人是可以治愈的。

    Shanghai authorities have stressed the H7N9 virus remained sensitive to the drug Tamiflu and those who were diagnosed early could be cured . Tamiflu is made by Roche .

  29. 目前尽管两种经典的抗病毒药是有效的,但是最近的试验中表明H5NI株对其有耐药性。

    Although two classes of antiviral drugs are currently available , the H5NI strain has demonstrated resistance in recent testing .

  30. 六毒药:一个重要方面内部净化该PattabhiJois的教导涉及六个毒药包围精神的核心。

    The six poisons : A vital aspect of internal purification that Pattabhi Jois teaches relates to the six poisons that surround the spiritual heart .