
  • 网络discriminatory pricing;discrimination pricing;Discriminating Pricing;price discrimination
  1. 由此分析网络信息产品的定价策略,价格歧视定价、捆绑定价、渗透定价和免费定价策略是网络经济中最为行之有效的定价策略。

    Thus analyses network information product pricing strategy , price discrimination pricing , bundled pricing , penetration pricing and free pricing strategy is the most effective pricing strategy .

  2. 另外,与单一定价情况相比,歧视定价下所形成的进入避垒(barrier)明显要高而厂商的利润明显要小。

    The entry barrier is higher and profits are lower under discriminatory pricing .

  3. 单一定价和歧视定价下的内生序贯进入模拟

    Simulation of endogenous sequential entry under mill pricing and discriminatory pricing

  4. 商业银行价格歧视定价策略研究

    Research on the Tactics of Price Discrimination in the Commercial Banks

  5. 理论分析结果显示区域电价中价格歧视定价模式优于单一垄断定价模式。

    The theoretical results show that , the discriminatory pricing mode is better than uniform pricing mode in regional price .

  6. 在中间产品存在外部垄断市场前提下,提出了中间产品价格歧视定价策略。

    This paper put forward the discriminate pricing strategy of the intermediate product , while the intermediate product existing external monopoly markets .

  7. 在位航空公司利用航空频率经济性构建轮辐型网络结构和歧视定价,导致经典的可竞争市场理论在放松管制后的航空市场中失灵。

    The incumbent airline built Hub-Spoke network based on the economy of frequency and made the discriminate pricing , this led the failure of classic theory of contestable market in the airline business after the slack control .

  8. 尽管外国企业不太可能在华拥有垄断地位,但由于歧视性定价等行为也在针对范围内,相关法律仍有可能影响到它们。

    While non-Chinese groups are unlikely to have monopolies in China , the laws could affect them because of measures targeting practices such as discriminatory pricing .

  9. 新垄断法于2008年8月开始生效,主要基于西方竞争法实践,涵盖合并控制、垄断及卡特尔行为、以及歧视性定价等。

    The new regime , which is largely based on western competition practices , took effect in August 2008 . It covers merger controls , monopolistic and cartel behaviour , and discriminatory pricing .

  10. 事实上,这种歧视性定价不仅使交叉上市公司股票形成同股、同权、不同价的局面,而且稀释了内地投资者财富,掠夺了内地中小投资者的利益。

    In fact , it is discriminatory pricing which not only creates a situation with same unit share and same right but different price , but also dilute the wealth of the Mainland investors and expropriate the benefits of the Mainland investors .

  11. 对城市消费者保持粮食低价格是歧视农民的定价政策得以推行的重要促进因素。

    Maintaining low food prices for urban consumers is an important motivation for having pricing policies that discriminate against farmers .

  12. 本文通过将价格歧视与单一定价对竞争和社会福利的影响相比较发现,价格歧视在某些情况下有可能促进企业竞争,增加社会总福利,甚至是消费者福利。

    On the other hand , when compared to uniform pricing , price discrimination may enhance competition and increase social welfare , even consumer welfare .

  13. 单个垄断厂商多产品质量差别歧视和最优质量定价策略分析

    The Analysis of Multi-product Quality Difference Discrimination and the Optimal Quality and Pricing Strategy under Single Monopolistic Manufacturer

  14. 对差别定价中的价格歧视、盈亏平衡定价中的边际贡献及外部基准定价中的需求弹性的经济学基础进行了分析,以指导酒店价格策略的制定,推动我国酒店业中收益管理的应用。

    This paper studies on the economic base of three pricing strategy , such as differential pricing , cost-benefit analysis and benchmarking , so as to promote the application in hotel management .

  15. 本文同时还对一般不确定条件下对厂商常采用二度价格歧视以及两阶段定价模型基础上对三度价格歧视作了进一步的研究,针对对三度价格歧视给出了应用实例。

    At the same times , in the research of discrimination pricing decision , we studies the two-degree and third-degree pricing discrimination decision of monopolist under common uncertain demand and two-phase pricing model .