
hénɡ miàn
  • cross-section
  1. 正常变异心电图ST段及T波改变与心向量图横面T环顺钟向运行的关系

    An analysis of relation between variation of ST segment and T wave in electrocardiogram and the clockwise movement of horizontal plane T loop in vectorcardiogram

  2. 目的探讨预激综合征对额面QRS电轴和横面移行区的影响。

    Objective To discuss the influence of preexcitation syndrome on the frontal QRS axis and horizontal transitional zone .

  3. 目的:弄清心向量图(VCG)横面T环原发性顺钟向运行(顺转)与心肌缺血的关系。

    Objective : To understand relation between the clockwise horizontal plane T loop in vectorcardiogram ( VCG ) and myocardial ischemia .

  4. Eysenck人格维度与心向量图横面T环顺钟向运行及发生心脏神经官能症相关性分析

    Analysis of Correlation between the Eysenck 's Dimension of Personality and the Clockwise of Horizontal Plane T Loop in Vectorcardiogram with Cardiac Neurosis Patients

  5. 结果正常人U环起始均为左、前、下,呈逆钟向旋转,横面最大U向量<80°;

    Result : The U loop in normal subjects was oriented to the left , inferiorly and anteriorly , the direction of rotation was counter-clockwise in all case , the horizontal maximum U vector was directed less than 80 degree ;

  6. 结论:VCG横面T环顺转与心肌缺血无关,可能同发育有关。

    Conclusion : The clockwise horizontal plane T loop in VCG has nothing to do with myocardial ischemia and may be related with development .

  7. 为探讨青少年儿童心电图额面、横面QRS波群和T波平均心电轴与性别、年龄的关系,分析2387例19岁以下健康人群的心电图。

    To explore changes of mean electrocardial axes ( MEA ) of QRS complex and T wave on frontal and transverse plane of ECG and relationship between MEA and sex age were analysed 2387 ECG of urban health inhabitants under 19 years of age .

  8. 结果ECG与VCG在左室高电压、T波改变的诊断上存在显著差异(P<0.01),在低电压的诊断上相关性不大,VCG横面QRS环出现1例呈顺钟向运行。

    Results Diagnoses of ECG on high left _ ventricular voltage and T waves abnormality were obviously different from VCG ( P < 0.01 ), while diagnoses on low voltage were not . One case ′ s QRS tach of VCG was clockwise on horizontal surface .

  9. 118例心向量图横面T环原发性顺钟向运行者长期随访分析

    The long-term follow-up analysis of 118 cases with the clockwise of horizontal plane T loop in vectorcardiogram

  10. 在每个被视察的房间,项目组成员采集了水平横面和床上的灰尘,对其中的邻苯二甲酸酯含量和尘螨、蟑螂过敏原含量进行分析。

    In each inspected room , dusts were collected on horizontal surfaces and beds to analyze phthalate and allergens of house dust mite and cockroach .

  11. 根据本文所见,作者提出横面T环方位>+50°等三项指标,可以作为肺心病伴发冠心病的诊断线索。

    Based on the study , it is suggested that T loop orientation > + 50 °, etc. Three parameters could be used as criteria for diagnostic clues of cot pulmonale complicated coronary heart disease .

  12. 以500kV同塔双回路直线自立塔为例,研究了设置不同横隔面时结构的模态以及抗风内力与变形。

    Based on the design of a 500 kV double circuit tangent suspension tower , this paper analyzes the modal shapes and internal stresses and deformations of towers with different diaphragm arrangement subjected to wind loads .

  13. 横隔面在高压输电塔抗风设计中的作用分析

    Effects of Diaphragm on Wind Resistant Design of Power Transmission Towers

  14. 不同横隔面配置方式的输电塔抗风动力响应分析

    Wind Resistant Analysis of Power Transmission Tower with Different Diaphragm Arrangements

  15. 增设横隔面后,单、双塔段结构极限承载力的提高幅度分别达到了18.3%和17.6%。

    And for one-panel and two-panel tower subassemblages , the ultimate strength was increased by18.3 % and17.6 % respectively .

  16. 从而表明增设横隔面是一种合理有效地提高输电塔结构抗冰承载能力的加固方法。

    Adding diaphragm is an effective and practical retrofitting method for enhancing the ice load-carrying capacity of transmission tower structures .

  17. 为了保持结构的整体性能以及分配剪力和抗扭,高压输电塔的设计中都要设置一定间距的横隔面。

    In order to maintain the global stability , to distribute shear , and to resist torsion effects , diaphragms with some intervals are required in designing transmission towers .

  18. 资料与方法对33例耳外伤性听小骨异常均行横、冠状面高分辨率CT扫描并分析其CT表现。

    Materials and Methods Both axial and coronal high resolution CT scanning of 33 temporal bones was performed , and CT findings were analyzed .

  19. 结论直接斜矢状面扫描是继横、冠状面扫描之后的一个重要扫描方法,对耳疾病的诊断和临床手术有重要意义。

    Conclusion Besides axial and coronal CT , direct oblique CT scan is also an important imaging method , which may provide valuable evidence for diagnosis and operation about ear diseases .

  20. 对锁孔中心后方不同位置横截面(ND-TD面)进行了系统的显微硬度试验和SEM-ECC组织观察。

    Micro-hardness and microstructure on cross-section ( ND-TD section ) ofdifferent locations behind the center of hole was studied .

  21. 楔横轧成形螺旋面表达方式的研究

    The research of expressible way of helix in cross wedge rolling

  22. 本文详细研究了不同旋向楔横轧成形螺旋面在不同坐标下的方程。

    The equations of different helix in cross wedge rolling in different coordinates were studied in this paper .

  23. 讨论了气隙横截面和圆柱面上的能流,得到了不同负载下坡印亭矢量场的场线;

    The energy flow in the cross-section and cylindrical surface of the air gap is discussed , the field line of Poynting vector is mapped under different loads using these formula .

  24. 属于或关于颞颥(眼眶颅骨后头骨两侧)有关。横切面和冠状面显示左侧眼球增大,从眶内突出。

    Of or relating to the temples ( the sides of the skull behind the orbit ) . Images 1 , 2 : Transverse and coronal planes showing enlarged left ocular bulb protruding out of the orbit .

  25. 预报采用进退、横漂、首摇和横摇四个自由度的方程,考虑了横摇对水平面运动的耦合影响。

    The mathematic model has four degrees of freedom ( surge , sway . yaw and roll ), taking the couple motion of roll on horizontal plane motion into account .