
  • 网络Bridge section;plot
  1. 滑稽是上演与人们传统知识或思维定式相左的桥段。

    Funny is staged with the people of traditional knowledge or mindset at odds plot .

  2. 这本质上就是浪漫喜剧片的桥段:我们总是对自己猜不透的人着迷。

    It 's essentially the plot of many a rom-com : We 're drawn to the people we can 't quite figure out .

  3. 除了自创的桥段外,还可以玩电影恶搞

    Other than the above ideas , I have also considered making movie goofs .

  4. 这部影片甚至借用了《金玉盟》(AnAffairtoRemember)中的老套桥段——车祸。

    The movie even resorts to that old standby from " An Affair to Remember , " the car accident .

  5. 《西区故事》(WestSideStory)式的浪漫桥段是该片最无趣的部分,所以影片在这上面花费那么多时间令人沮丧。

    The " West Side Story " romance angle is the least interesting part of the movie , so it 's frustrating that so much time is spent on it .

  6. 这个爆笑的桥段主要是用一种夸张的方式来挖苦时尚界。但MissLin亮出了自己的看法:我们需要在压力过大或尴尬情况下hold住。

    The hilarious lecture is mainly an over-the-top mockery of the fashion world , but Miss Lin makes a point : We need to hold steady in pressure-filled or embarrassing situations .

  7. 在电影《公民凯恩》(CitizenKane)中也有这样的一个著名桥段——主角临终前神秘地低语:“玫瑰花蕾!”

    One of the most famous moments in film is the mysterious deathbed murmur in " Citizen Kane " : " Rosebud ! "

  8. 一些人说他唱的太好了,把他的歌当成周杰伦唱的,盗版CD制造商把他的歌和周杰伦的混合起来,发行了一张叫做“周杰伦最新专辑《桥段》”的专辑。

    Some people said he sang so well that mistook his songs for Jay Chou ' s.Pirate CD makers mixed his songs with Jay 's and released a so-called " Jay Chou 's Latest Album-Love 's Way " .

  9. 这个词诞生于台湾电视脱口秀《大学生了没》中的一个桥段。该集节目中,由谢依霖扮演的MissLin向大家传授如何在公交以及派对上成为时尚女王。

    The term comes from a segment on the Taiwanese TV show University which features Miss Lin ( Xie Yilin ) giving a lecture on how to behave like a fashion queen at parties or on the bus .

  10. 我们最近请Buzzfeed论坛的用户选出最让他们反感的电影桥段。

    We recently asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to choose the movie clich é s annoy the hell out of them .

  11. 在接受《人物》杂志的采访中,Weitz说他希望片中的浪漫桥段能引起观众们感情上的共鸣。

    Speaking to People magazine , Weitz said that he hoped that the romantic scenes would prove emotional for audiences .

  12. T-Bag的结局我很满意,很像一本书完结的感觉,画面中的某个特定桥段会让你回想起4年前第一次见到T-Bag的情形。

    I was very happy how they ended it for T-Bag , it was really kind of a book end kind of feel that you , certain things in that scene that re reminiscent of when you first saw T-Bag four years ago .

  13. 玻璃柜里放着各类道具,隐晦地指向某些具体的桥段:一张莱昂纳尔•里奇(LionelRichie)的唱片(《丑陋裸男死了?》一集)、一本《怀孕期间注意事项》(《谣言》一集)、莫妮卡公寓镜子的复制品。

    Glass cases display obscure references to specific episodes : a Lionel Richie record ( " The One With the Giant Poking Device " ) , a copy of " What to Expect When You 're Expecting " ( " The One With the Rumor " ) , a replica of the mirror from Monica 's apartment .

  14. 相控电力机车整流装置桥段数的选择

    Selecting the Stage Number of Rectifier Bridge for Phase-Controlled Electric Locomotives

  15. 车辆荷载作用下路桥段结构的动态响应分析

    Analysis of Road Approach Bridge Section Dynamic Response under Vehicle Load

  16. 两个半小时的紧张剧情、各种喜剧桥段,外加刺激的爆炸场面。

    Two-hour doses of half-sentences , ridiculous catchphrases , and explosions .

  17. 涡激振动下管桥段的模糊动力可靠性研究

    Research on fuzzy dynamic reliability of pipeline bridge under vortex-induced vibration

  18. 不是吧,重演小学六年级的桥段。

    Oh , no. It 's sixth grade all over again .

  19. 这听起来像是真人情景剧中的桥段,但实际上确实存在。

    This might sound like fodder for a reality series .

  20. 一些桥段是真的有趣,但是我记得也为之哭过。

    Some parts were really funny , but I remember crying too .

  21. 真的吗,听着像是狗血到家的洛杉矶桥段

    Seriously , that sounds like some horrible LA cliche .

  22. 大学访问入学考试之类的所有桥段

    college visits and tests and all that , all the drama .

  23. 就像“亿万未婚夫”里的桥段吗

    Like an episode of " The Bachelor . "

  24. 这并不意味着当今的恐怖电影抛弃了经典恐怖桥段。

    It isn 't that today 's horror films have abandoned classic scares .

  25. 这是卫生棉条广告桥段。

    That 's a tampon commercial . Ooh !

  26. 我们以前也看到过这种桥段。

    We have seen this movie before .

  27. 马特和珍妮佛都排斥瑞秋和乔伊之间的恋爱桥段

    Matt & Jennifer didn 't like the idea of Rachel and Joey Hooking up .

  28. 你知道的,你或者你男友可能会想尝试宋仲基“丢手机”的撩妹桥段。

    You know you or your boyfriend will want to try Song Joong-ki 's phone-flip .

  29. 然而我们现实生活中,这样的桥段和矛盾会让我们心力交瘁,还会直接导致感情破裂。

    In our real lives , such drama and conflict are exhausting and cheating can ruin relationships .

  30. 很像1957年好莱坞科幻电影《天空大爆炸》的桥段吧。

    Much like Hollywood imagined it would in the 1957 science fiction film The Day the Sky Exploded .