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  • lemon oil
  1. 研究发现低粘度SSOS微胶囊包埋柠檬油的百分率在57.4%至87.6%(w/w)之间,并取决于SSOS的葡萄糖值。

    Percentage of lemon oil encapsulated varied from 57.4 % to 87.6 % ( w / w ), depending on the dextrose equivalent value of low viscosity of SSOS .

  2. 含有天然柠檬油,散发清新怡人的芳香。

    Contains lemon oil with a fresh fragrance .

  3. 正己烷提取物中含有37.03%的柠檬油精(D-limonene),而石油醚提取物中未发现此柠檬油精(D-limonene),在正己烷提取物中确认了19种化合物,它们占总出峰面积的95.99%。

    Extract of n-hexane contained 37.03 % D-limonene , which was not found in the petroleum ether extract . Nineteen compounds were identified by GC-MS from the n-hexane extract , accounting for 95.99 % of the total peak areas .

  4. 150年以来,香柠檬油的提取方式从来没有改变过。

    The way oil is extracted has been unchanged for150 years .

  5. 红茶,金盏花,红花,香柠檬油。

    Black tea , marigold petals , safflowers , and bergamot oil .

  6. 成份:紫外线隔离因子、太阳花仔油、保湿因子、柠檬油。

    Content : uv separation gene , Portulaca grandiflora seed oil , moisture gene and lemon oil .

  7. 前调:意大利香柠檬油,苦橙油,橘子油,纯含羞草。

    TOP NOTES : Bergamot Oil Italian , Bitter Orange Oil , Mandarin Oil Sicily , Mimosa Absolute .

  8. 采用复相凝聚法和囊心交换二者相结合的方法,实现柠檬油香精的胶囊化。

    Based on the method of re-agglomeration and capsule-heart exchange , the capsulization for limonene essence is investigated .

  9. 本文研究了中药活性成分柠檬油素的荧光性质。

    Fluorescence property of citropten , an active component of Chinese herbal medicine , was studied in the thesis .

  10. 结果表明,气调具有增强红桔油松节油及柠檬油的杀虫效果,对柠檬叶油的增强作用最为明显。

    CA proved to enhance the insecticidal action of the plant aromatic oils , especially that of citron oil .

  11. 虽然它们千奇百怪,但有一点儿是相同的,那就是,它们都含有香柠檬油。

    Though their variety seems endless , one thing that many of these gifts have in common is that they contain bergamot oil .

  12. 供试精油芸香草油、冷磨柠檬油、峨眉香橙油、冷榨红桔油的杀虫效果最好。

    Of the samples tested , rue oil , cold drilled lemon oil and drilled cold tangerine oil gave the best anti-pest results .

  13. 用60%的酒精按重量比10:1萃取天然食品原料柠檬油或甜橙油中水溶性的香味物质,与钾盐一起配成溶液,作为卷烟添加剂使用到卷烟中;

    The crude food materials , lemon oil and sweet orange oil were extracted by 60 % alcohol according to the weight rate of 10:1 . The extracts mixed with potassic salt to form the solutions which can be used as additives for tobacco .

  14. 用客观方法,评价了白柠檬果皮油的特征香气成分。

    Characteristic flavor compounds in peel oil of the lime were evaluated .

  15. 云南柠檬草油化学成份研究

    Study on chemical constituents of lemongrass oil from Yunnan

  16. 白柠檬果皮油特征香气成分的评价

    Characteristic Flavor Compounds in Peel Oil of Lime

  17. 白柠檬果皮油的挥发性成分

    Volatile Compounds in Peel Oil of Lime

  18. 柠檬桉叶油的主要成分是香茅醛。

    The main component of eucalyptus citriodora oil is citronellal .

  19. 柠檬桉叶油对室内空气消毒效果的观察

    Disinfection Efficacy of Lemon Eucalyptus Oil on Indoor Air

  20. 以柠檬桉叶油为主要原料经环化、催化氢化二步反应得到薄荷醇。

    Menthol was obtained from lemon eucalyptus oil via cyclization and catalytic hydrogenation .

  21. 香柠檬油香柠檬油,广泛用于制造香料用来制作香水和熏香的芳香树脂。

    The oil itself , used extensively in perfumery . aromatic resin used in perfume and incense .

  22. 在改性骨架镍催化剂上柠檬桉叶油选择加氢制备香茅醇

    Making citronellol from Eucalyptus citriodora oil by means of selective hydrogenation in the presence of modified Raney Ni catalyst

  23. 柠檬派,糖油煎饼,巧克力圣代和奶油布丁。

    Waitress : Lemon pie , hot cake in syrup , chocolate sundae andcustardpudding .

  24. 其主要原因是种实中存在柠檬醛等香精油。

    This phenom-enum is caused mainly by the essential oils such as citral contained within the seeds .

  25. 尤其配以柠檬汁和橄榄油腌制后的生鱼,时菜色拉还有柑橘果盘,其味无穷。

    In particular , match perfectly with raw fish marinated by lemon juice and olive oil , fresh vegetables and citrus fruit .

  26. 对奥运游泳选手瑞安罗切特而言,恢复餐就是烤鸡胸脯肉就阿尔弗雷多酱、全麦意大利面和一份加柠檬汁和橄榄油的沙拉。

    For Olympic swimmer Ryan Lochte , the recovery meal is grilled chicken breasts with Alfredo Sauce , whole-grain spaghetti and a salad with lemon juice and olive oil .

  27. 成分:葡萄果糖浆、水、食糖、醋酸、食盐、胶凝剂、叶绿酸、柠檬酸、薄荷油等。非食用藻酸盐(胶化和加压剂)

    Glucose-fructose syrup , water , sugar , acetic acid , salt , gelling agent : pectin , dried mint , colours : copper chlorophyllin , tumeric , citric acid , spearmint oil .

  28. 热情的柠檬和意大利香柠檬油,加上令人振奋的柑橘味道和卡萨布兰卡百合花,清风拂面的感觉由此而生!

    This moisturizing hand lotion softens and soothes as it kills germs , leaving hands scented with a fresh blend of zesty lemon , sparkling citrus , and Italian bergamot .

  29. 成份:青柠檬精油、香橙精油、松树精油、柠檬香茅油、佛手柑精油、约旦死海盐。

    Ingredients : lime essence oil , orange essence oil , pine tree essence oil , lemon citronella essence oil , bergamot essence oil , Jordan Dead Sea salt .