
  1. 成都一家人工智能公司的CEO林辉表示,这个机器人将参加高考的数学、语文和文科综合(包括历史、政治、地理)共三场考试。

    The robot will sit three exams , namely math , Chinese and a comprehensive test of liberal arts , which includes history , politics and geography , said Lin Hui , CEO of an artificial intelligence company in Chengdu .

  2. 成都准星云学科技有限公司的CEO林辉表示,这个机器人可以学习小学到高中的7000多个考点,并且拥有庞大的知识储备库,可以每日完成十套数学试卷。

    Lin Hui , CEO of the developing company , said the program can understand more than 7000 concepts ranging from those in elementary to high school education . With a huge knowledge database , the program can now finishes about 10 math tests a day .

  3. 林辉对此表示,其实现在机器人的写作技术都日渐成熟。

    Lin said that the robot writing technique nowadays has been increasingly mature .

  4. 林辉透露,每门考试开始前,高考机器人将与打印机连接。开考铃声一响,考卷的电子版就会被输入到机器人的人工智能程序。

    According to Lin , the robot will be linked to a printer before every exam , and the electronic examination paper will be put into the robot 's program when the examination begins .