
  1. 林军说一些母亲八个多月可以赚12万元。

    Lin said some mothers could earn up to 120,000 yuan over an eight-month period .

  2. 林军说他在给予工作之前将面试这些妇女并检查她们的健康。

    Lin said he would be interviewing the women and checking their health before giving them jobs .

  3. 林军说他雇佣的许多年轻母亲来自农村地区,很有可能生活在贫困之中。

    Lin said many of the young mothers he hired were from rural areas and very likely living in poverty .

  4. 林军告诉记者他打算周游全国,通过当地机构为他的服务雇佣更多的母亲。

    Lin told the newspaper that he was planning to travel around the country , hiring more mothers for his service via local agencies .

  5. 林军,河南人,告诉记者他的目标是在中国富人中开发母乳喂养的业务。

    Lin Jun , a Henan Province native , told the newspaper he was aiming to develop the breastfeeding business among China 's rich adults .