
  • 网络Lin Miaoke;Linmilk;Milk Lin;coco
  1. 可爱的9岁女孩林妙可用天使般的声音唱了《歌唱祖国》这首歌。

    Lin Miaoke , a cute nine-year-old girl , sang " Ode to the Motherland " in an angelic voice .

  2. 在北京奥运会开幕式假唱的童星林妙可此举是打击假唱这种导致一些令人尴尬的演出失败的最新举措。

    The move is the latest step to put an end to a practice that has been at the center of some embarrassing fiascoes .

  3. 然而,尽管那个传遍全世界的笑容是林妙可的,但中国高层领导人却在最后时刻插手干预,确保那个声音不是她的。

    But while the smile beaming around the world may have been hers , China 's top leaders made a late intervention to make sure the voice was not .

  4. 当9岁女孩林妙可在上周五的北京奥运会开幕式上表演了一曲激动人心的革命颂歌之后,中国国有媒体很快把她吹捧成一颗新星。

    Lin Miaoke was quickly hailed as a budding star by China 's state media after the pig-tailed nine-year-old performed a rousing rendition of a revolutionary anthem during last Friday 's Beijing Olympics opening ceremony .

  5. 两天后,中国媒体爆料,林妙可当时是假唱——演唱者另有其人——只是那个女孩在外形上不如不如林妙可可爱。

    Two days later , the Chinese media broke the news that Lin Miaoke had lip-synched the song , which was in fact sung by a different girl , who is not as cute in appearance .