
  • 网络Yang Jisheng;Chi-Sheng Yang
  1. 此时的杨继盛面临着两个问题。

    There were two problems in gaining access to this coal .

  2. 据历史记载,杨继盛用两个办法解决了上述问题。

    According to scholars , Yang solved the problem in two ways .

  3. 杨继盛与商业有何干系?

    What does Yang Jisheng have to do with business ?

  4. 原因很简单,就我所知,无论在中国还是世界其他地区,杨继盛创建的“利益相关方参与”机制,都可谓商业领域的先驱。

    Very simply , Yang Jisheng created one of the earliest " stakeholder engagement " mechanisms I have ever come across in China or anywhere else .