
  1. 赵军还特地去武警中队借了一个班的警力。

    Zhao went to a class by the armed police squad police .

  2. 我相信赵军先生的成熟经验、深邃洞察力和研究工作的执着精神。

    I believe in his maturity , insight , and commitment to research .

  3. 可还记得赵军驻扎的地点?

    Do you remember the location of Zhao camp ?

  4. 结果,赵军被秦军包围,直至弹尽粮绝。

    As a result , they were surrounded by the army of Qin till the supplies were exhausted .

  5. 我和赵军谋划了一下,然后往关押着那个温州老板的审讯室去。

    I have a plan and Zhao and then to the detention of those interrogation rooms to Wenzhou boss .

  6. 赵军在另一个房间等着我,给我让烟倒茶,说:哥哥辛苦了。

    Zhao 's waiting for me in another room , so I smoke poured , the brother said : tough .

  7. 项羽劝他迅速进兵,同赵军里应外合,一举击败秦军。

    Xiang Yu persuaded him to move , collaborating with the Zhao army to conquer the Qin forces at one stroke .

  8. 秦军一直在等着赵军发动进攻,最终赵国军队攀上了秦国军队包围了40天的山峰。

    The Qin were already lying in wait for them and the Zhao forces were eventually driven up a hill , which the Qin then besieged for 40 days .

  9. 赵军说:周老板,我来给你介绍一下,这位是雪哥,在我们卫水市手眼通天的人物,就是我们市长也得看他的脸色行事。

    Zhao said : proprietor , I would like to introduce to you , this is snow brother , Wei city , in our hand-eye Airbus figures , we have to look at the mayor 's behavior .

  10. 主导研究中国女性性工作者得凶杀案的学者赵军(音译),在与《中国周刊》对话中谈到,她们是社会边缘人群,这是人所共知的。

    In an interview with China Newsweek Magazine , Zhao Jun , a leading scholar on the murder cases of China 's women sex workers , a number of facts came to light about these marginalized members of society .