
  1. 邵逸夫将股份出售给中国房地产开发商碧桂园(countygarden)董事长杨国强的计划已几近成功,但由于金融市场危机的影响,最终于10月份取消了出售计划。

    He was close to selling his stake to Yeung Kwok-keung , chairman of country garden , the Chinese property developer , but scrapped his plans in October amid the financial markets crisis .

  2. 多年来,邵逸夫一直设法出售所持邵氏兄弟75%的股权,今年夏季,曾与中国房地产开发商碧桂园(countygarden)董事长杨国强进行了谈判。

    Sir Run Run has been trying to sell his 75 per cent stake in Shaw Brothers for years , and was in talks with Yeung Kwok-keung , chairman of country garden , the Chinese property developer , this summer .

  3. 杨国强总领事佩戴明尼苏达大学徽章。

    Consul General Yang Guoqiang wearing a University of Minnesota lapel pin .

  4. 现居香港的杨国强曾是广东省的一名贫苦农民。

    Mr Yeung , a Hong Kong resident , was once a poor farmer from the southern province of Guangdong .

  5. 但因为杨国强可能进行的收购,她被迫在9月取消了上述交易。

    She was forced to pull out of the transaction in September because of the possible takeover by Mr Yeung .

  6. 杨惠妍的父亲杨国强在广东长大,从小生活贫困,他早年是一名瓦匠,上世纪90年代早期,他开始从事房地产开发。

    Yang 's father , known as Yang Guoqiang , grew up in poverty in Guangdong Province and worked as a bricklayer before becoming a developer in the early1990s .

  7. 杨国强面对媒体一向低调。2005年,他将其所有股份转至女儿名下,目前,杨惠妍是碧桂园的常务董事,并主要负责公司的物流项目。

    In2005 , the press-shy Yang transferred his shares to his daughter , who sits on Country Garden 's board as an executive director and works in its logistics activities , according to Forbes .

  8. 杨国强是唯一符合邵逸夫爵士所设标准的买家。据知情人士透露,邵逸夫要求交易额不得少于100亿港元,并以现金交易。

    Mr Yeung was the only buyer who was able to meet criteria set out by Sir Run Run , who requested that the deal be worth no less than HK $ 10bn and financed by cash , according to people familiar with the transaction .