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  1. 李延年善作曲,也善改编新曲。

    Li Yannian was adept at composing music and revising new compositions .

  2. 很快,他发现李延年的妹妹正是他要找的美人。

    Soon he found that the sister of the bandmaster was just the one he was looking for .

  3. 平阳公主告诉他:李延年的妹妹就是这样一位“妙丽善舞”的女子。

    Princess Pingyang told him that the younger sister of Li Yannian was just a girl " beautiful and charming in dancing " .

  4. 李延年是富有音乐传统的中山地方的人,父母兄弟都是从事音乐工作的伎人。

    The latter came from a musical family in the Zhongshan region , and he was well versed in China 's musical tradition .

  5. 黄维兵团已在十五日晚全军覆没,李延年兵团已掉头南逃,你们想和他们靠拢是没有希望了。

    Huang wei 's army was completely wiped out on the night of the15th , Li yen-nien 's army has taken to its heels and fled south , and it is hopeless for you to think of joining them .