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  1. 一天早上,罗峥递给李亘几页纸,并告诉他这是他们的婚前协议。

    That morning , Luo gave several papers to Li , saying it was their prenuptial marital agreement .

  2. 31岁的李亘(化名)于2007年认识了罗峥,并定于去年12月18日登记结婚。

    Li Gen ( not his real name ), 31 , and Luo met in 2007 , and decided to register as man and wife on Dec 18 last year .

  3. 他愤然离开,几天之后,罗峥收到李亘的短信,上面写到:如果不信任彼此,我们的婚姻毫无意义。

    He walked out and several days later , sent Luo a short message . " There is no meaning in getting married if we do not trust each other ," he wrote .