- second of time

Search for Larry Page and speed and above the first link you may see About 21,100,000 results ( 0.47 seconds ) .
The screen capture to the right is a table of sample profile events during a6.5 second period during a find string operation over a tree of source code .
Search for " Larry Page and speed " and above the first link you may see " About 21100000 results ( 0.47 seconds ) . "
The average time interval in seconds is named Drillability Time ( DT ), and the logarithm of the DT to the base 2-the Drillability Classification Grade ( DCO ) .
A year ago , Liu snagged the gold at the world championships in Osaka , Japan , in12.95 seconds .
For drawing the same path , the runtime in simulation software system and the prototype of the PMT are separately 12 seconds and 10.8 seconds . The moving effects of the two ways are similar .
For example , if the interval is set to5 seconds and3 seconds have already elapsed before the interval is changed to10 seconds , the next timer event will be13 seconds from the last timer event .
When you need to build an LPAR or install AIX software quickly , making an ISO image available to the VIO client takes seconds .
Hisao Tanaka , Toshiba 's chief executive , gave a 15-second bow on Tuesday as he resigned over a $ 1.2bn accounting scandal .
The 10-second timer is activated when the shutter button is pressed .
It was one of two two-second penalties Dawson received , but he still advanced to Wednesday 's semi-finals .
The 15-second video quickly went viral and beautiful Oksana has since amassed thousands of followers on social media .
I jump for half a second , weightless hit the floor for about two-tenths of a second maybe close to600 pounds .
Now , they use this rotational kinetic energy to create very strong magnetic fields on a time scale as short as five seconds .
The fun35-second clip shows the youngster is trying to eat his way out of a watermelon and occasionally looking up at the camera .
And that last thing he said about rushing out is really important because experts say that when a crisis happens , every second counts .
Coca-Cola then encouraged consumers to share a 10-second clip of a song with friends through social media by scanning the QR code on the bottle .
And let 's ask ourselves this : Would anyone stay tuned if the Olympic champion ran the 100 meters in 15 seconds instead of nine ?
From a side plank position , take it elbow to knee , working up to 30 seconds on each side with a 30-second rest between sides .
The program shows the user four sets of PINs , which takes about 28 seconds to complete , but ensures a higher level of security than just showing one set .
For the free evolution of H + 2 , we use attosecond pulses as probe pulses and obtain the time-varying photoelectron spectrum , when the electron occupies the lowest two eigenstates .
Applicants were asked to submit a 30-second video explaining why they would be good for the jobs , which come with a stipend of A $ 100,000 ( $ 105,400 ) .
Gates , 58 , who was ranked by Forbes magazine this year as the world 's second-richest person behind Mexico 's Carlos Slim , had 2 minutes to make his moves against just 30 seconds for Carlsen .
Experimental result shows voltage of metalline pipe ri - - ses up to 52.8 KV in four seconds , when the organics powder pass th - rough continually a metalline pipe 20 centimetre in Length , 5 centime - tre in diameter .
He recorded a time of 4 minutes 23 , bettering the old record of 4-24
For some reason , when certain shows switched into a commercial , a loud noise would sound for a few seconds .
The video for the 45-second long " Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen " has been viewed more than 67 million times since hitting YouTube in August , going viral after pop giant Bieber tweeted it as his " favorite video on the Internet . "
Nah , just for a few seconds during the surgery .
Year , month , day , hour , minute , second .
Apparently , a goldfish has an attention span of nine seconds .