
  • 网络Wuji County;Wuji
  1. 无极县是传统的农业大县。

    The Promise is the county 's traditional agricultural county .

  2. 无极县的邮电通讯事业也得到快速发展。

    The Promise of posts and telecommunications counties have been the cause of rapid development .

  3. 无极县第三产业发展较快,尤以交通、电力、电信等行业的发展最快。

    The Promise County rapid development of the tertiary industry , especially in transportation , power , telecommunications and other industries of the fastest growing .

  4. 展望未来,无极县经济发展的总体思路是:进一步深化改革,扩大开放。

    Looking ahead , The Promise of the county 's economic development is the general idea : to further deepen reform , open wider to the outside .

  5. 调查了河北辛集市、无极县制革企业的污水治理情况和存在问题,考察了不同规模的制革废水处理工艺和设备运行状态,重点了解制革铬鞣的分流和污泥处理。

    This paper introduces the treatment of tannery waste water and problem existed , treatment process , running condition of equipment , difference on chromium tan waste water and sludge treatment .

  6. 无极县西临京深高速公路和京广铁路两条交通大动脉,南临石黄高速公路,正饶线穿境而过;

    The Promise County , west Beijing , Shenzhen Expressway and Jing-Guang Railroad traffic of the two main artery , Highway south Shi Huang , Rao is the territory and had to wear line ;