
liào duī
  • stockpile;material pile
料堆 [liào duī]
  • [stockpile] 贮存在山表面上的一堆物资、如矿砂或煤

料堆[liào duī]
  1. 阐述了改良MPS型系列抑尘剂在料堆防尘中的试验研究。

    This paper expounded the experiment and research on the reform model series of MPS which is used in material pile dust preventing .

  2. 物料混合:将上述物料充分搅拌,混合均匀后堆成高1米、宽1米的料堆,长度根据物料数量而定;

    Materials mixing : stir the above materials fully , then stack into material pile with the high of1m and width of1m after mixing , while length of which can be determined as per quantity of materials .

  3. 以美国环境保护局(EPA)推荐的计算料堆风蚀扬尘排放因子的方法为基础,探讨料堆风蚀扬尘排放量的估算,包括计算所需参数及其估算方法和计算过程。

    Based on the method of calculating the emission factor of wind erosion dust from storage piles recommended by US EPA , estimation of wind erosion dust emissions from storage piles are explored , including the calculation needed parameters and then estimation method , and calculating procedure .

  4. 本文从菇房设计、培养料堆制、栽培管理等方面详述姬松茸规范化生产的技术规程。

    Blazei from growing room design , composting , cultivation management etc.

  5. 基于料堆试验的沥青混合料离析影响因素分析

    Analysis on influence factors for hot mix asphalt segregation using heap test

  6. 姑山磁选精矿料堆雨季塌方的原因探讨

    Factors that causing Landslip of Gushan concentrates ore pile

  7. 尾矿排料堆筑模型的模拟相似

    Similarity in Tailing Discharge Depositing Model

  8. 蘑菇培养料堆制的完成依赖于微生物群落共同作用来实现。

    The accomplishment of composting for preparingAgaricus bisporus compost depends on combined activities of microbial flora .

  9. 从料堆的形状、堆积方式,堆积高度及四周环境等方面,分析了料堆塌方原因和过程。

    And the reasons and courses of landslip were analyzed through the pile shape , pile height , and surrounding condition .

  10. 在料堆的顶部会形成主要由小块料、粉料组成的炉料堆尖,炉料堆尖对高炉煤气流有很强的阻滞作用。

    The pile top which mainly consists of fine burden can be formed when the burden is sent into BF top charge container .

  11. 本文论述了应用激光扫描仪器,通过软件算法,实现对散货料堆的实时三维成像方法。

    This article discusses the application of laser scanning equipment , software algorithms , to achieve the real-time three-dimensional imaging method of the bulk stockpile .

  12. 业主应能自由进出承包商工厂、料堆以及实验室(进行材料测试)的任何地方。

    The client shall have free access to all parts of the contractor 's plant , stockpiles , and laboratories where testing of the material takes place .

  13. 这部分内容意在解决大直径浅圆仓仓壁上的水平侧压力的计算问题,合理地解决了仓壁顶面以上的料堆引起的超压问题。

    The content intends to solve the problem of lateral pressure at the walls of large diameter squat silos , especially the problem of overcharge caused by the top pile material .

  14. 软熔带熔融矿石层附近和死料堆表面煤气的垂直流速较高,是最容易发生局部液泛的区域。

    The vertical velocity of gas is bigger near the molten ore layer in the cohesive zone and the surface of the dead man . These local regions are liable to flooding .

  15. 实际生产应用证明褐煤的干燥关键在于一定要让料堆里的饱和湿空气流动,使其逸出料面,才能达到整体干燥的效果。

    To reach the overall drying effect , the key is to make the saturated wet air in brown coal charges flow and escaped out of charges . This is proved by actual production process .

  16. 单悬臂旋转堆料机堆料方式及参数探讨

    Inquiry on Stacking Method of Single Arm Slewing Stacker and Parameters

  17. 矿石均化过程中堆料机堆料方式的比较与探索

    Comparison of stocking modes by stocker in homogenization pocess and its exploration

  18. 一次料场堆料作业方式对矿石混匀效果的影响

    Influence of stocking method on blending effect in primary raw material yard

  19. 圆形料场堆取料机的控制系统设计

    Design to the Control System of the Stocker in the Circular Storage Site

  20. 综合料场堆取料机无线通讯系统的开发与应用

    The Development and Application in the Wireless Communication System for Composite Materials Market Stacker and Feeder

  21. 但也出现了料场堆层过高,且未设置任何拦挡的问题。

    However , certain problems still exist , such as excessive height of stacking layer in material yard and lack of retaining measure .

  22. 对YDQ500/1200·Φ110悬臂式圆形料场堆取料机部件刮板取料机的工作原理和工作过程进行了理论分析,得到了刮板在工作过程中的速度、取料量。

    Velocities and quantity reserved of strickle were acquired via analyzing operation principle and working process of strickle reclaimer which is an accessory of the round-stock boom stacker and reclaimer YDQ500 / 1200 Φ 100 .

  23. 由于库内不对称储料和堆料的随机性,加上其直径很大,目前尚无成熟的结构设计理论和经验。

    Because of asymmetric storage and randomicity of stocking up , and since the diamter of the silo is quite great , there isn ` t mature structural design theory and experience yet at present .

  24. 圆形混匀料场刮板堆取料机结构形式及物料混匀工艺

    Structure of scraper type stacker / reclaimer in a circular mixing stockyard and the material mixing technology

  25. 在进行渗透试验时,对于高渗透性的过渡料,主堆石、次堆石采用水头饱和;

    When performing seepage tests , hydraulic saturation is used for transitional rockfill , main rockfill and secondary rockfill with high permeability permeable .

  26. 根据南京钢铁集团江边一次料场分期堆载预压试验区的实测资料,对软土地基中的孔隙水压力变化特性进行了分析,并通过回归分析对孔隙水压力进行预测。

    According to the testing data of The First Material Site around River Test-field of Nanjing Steel Group with surcharge preloading method , the article will analyse the characteristic of pore pressure change , and forecast the pore pressure through regression analysis .

  27. 该方法通过扫描移动堆料,获取堆料上一系列平行截面的轮廓线,并计算出截面面积,然后根据各截面面积和扫描间距解算出物体体积。

    In the method , a series of parallel sections are obtained by scanning a stack of moving materials , then the section area is calculated , and the volume of materials is calculated according to these sections areas and the scanning interval .

  28. 处理工程设8个长条状堆料单元,每个堆料单元长8m、宽2m、高0.35m。

    Composting windrow units were set , each measured 8m in length , 2m in width , and 0.35m in height .

  29. 为此,进行了倒料计算,直至堆运行达到平衡状态。

    For this purpose , the multi-recycling calculation has been performed until a equilibrium status is reached .

  30. 圆形料场刮板混匀堆取料机单人字形料堆数学模型及工艺参数的确定

    Mathematical modeling of Chevron type stockpile and determination of technical data in circular blending stockyard of scraper stacker and reclaimer