
liào huāng
  • Abandonment;leave land uncultivated;(of fields) discontinue farming and let go out of cultivation;reclaim wasteland
撂荒 [liào huāng]
  • (1) [(of fields) discontinue farming and let go out of cultivation; reclaim wasteland]〈方〉∶土地不继续耕种,任其荒芜

  • 减少撂荒面积

  • (2) 也作抛荒

撂荒[liào huāng]
  1. 结果表明,裸地和撂荒地植物寄生线虫与土壤pH呈显著负相关;

    The results showed that soil pH had a negative effect on the plant-parasitic nematodes in both bare and fallow plots .

  2. 土壤有机C与全N极显著相关,且林地和撂荒地土壤C与N的相关性略高于水稻田和玉米地。

    Soil organic C had a significant correlation with soil total N , and the correlation was slightly closer in WL and FF than in PF and MF .

  3. 深度在40cm以上的表土,腐殖酸总量及各组分含量都随着撂荒年限的增长呈递增趋势。

    The contents of humus acid and its composition decreased with depth , and increased with the increasing of years .

  4. 多重分形谱函数f[a(q)]-a(q)为一不对称上凸曲线,耕地的多重分形结构比撂荒地土壤更明显,其不对称程度大于撂荒地。

    Multifractal spectrum function f [ a ( q ) ] - a ( q ) is an asymmetric convex curve , the multifractal structure of the arable land is more obvious than the abandoned soils , the degree of the asymmetry is greater than the abandoned land .

  5. 典型草原撂荒地Shannon-Wiener多样性指数的平均值为1.5481,是天然草地的55%,草甸草原带撂荒地Shannon-Wiener多样性指数的平均值为1.3492,是天然草地的50%。

    The average of Shannon-Wiener diversity index was 1.5481 in typical steppe abandoned land , which was only 55 % of natural grassland , while it was 1.3492 in meadow steppe abandoned steppe .

  6. 有机肥配施NPK、磷钾及氮磷钾化肥和撂荒土壤:胡敏酸碳/腐殖酸碳比值上升,富里酸碳/腐殖酸碳比值下降;

    For treatments of combing organic fertilizer with NPK and PK , NPK and abandoned land , the rate of humic acid carbon to humus acid carbon increased and opposite to rate of fulvic acid carbon to humus acid carbon .

  7. 撂荒和秸秆配合NPK土壤总有机碳增加5.4%和1.6%,年递增率为0.4g/kg和0.075g/kg;

    Soil total organic carbon increased 5.4 % and 1.6 % for abandoned and combing straw and NPK treatments , and their annual increasing rates 0.4g/kg and 0.075g/kg .

  8. 撂荒未翻耕地深层(20~130cm)土壤质量则有所提高。

    However , soil quality has been improved in deep layer soil ( 20-130cm ) in unploughed abandoned land .

  9. 土壤碳磷比随剖面深度下降而降低,在40cm以下有林地和玉米地高于撂荒地和水稻田的趋势。

    The C / P ratio decreased with the profile depth and tended to be greater in woodland and maize field than in fallow and paddy fields in layers below 40 cm .

  10. 用DCA排序研究了黄土丘陵区撂荒地上植物群落演替的趋势和方向,用6种多样性指数分析了物种丰富度、均匀度和综合多样性在演替过程中的变化。

    The Detrended Correspondence Analysis ( DCA ) was employed to analyze the trend and direction of plant community succession of abandoned loess land . Seven species diversity indices were used to study the changes in species richness , species evenness and diversity in the succession .

  11. 农户耕地细碎化行为和耕地撂荒行为依旧存在。

    The infield comminuted and farmland abandoned behavior still exist .

  12. 撂荒后黄土高原坡耕地土壤透水性和抗冲性的变化

    Change in Soil Permeability and Anti-scourability of Farmland after Abandonment

  13. 土地撂荒的现状、成因与对策

    The Status Quo , Causes and Countermeasures of Uncultivated Farmland in China

  14. 不同撂荒年限的草原农田土壤及植被的变化规律研究

    The change of soil and vegetation with different years of leaving uncultivated

  15. 黄土丘陵区撂荒对土壤酶活性的影响

    Effect of Farmland Abandonment on Soil Enzyme Activities in Loess Hilly Region

  16. 侵蚀环境撂荒地植物群落恢复动态研究

    Restoration dynamics of plant community on abandoned arable land under erosion environment

  17. 各恢复模式生态效益都好于撂荒地,其中农田效益最大。

    The eco-efficiency of other recovery model are better than the abandoned land .

  18. 黄土丘陵区退耕撂荒地土壤微生物量演变过程

    Dynamics of Soil Microbial Biomass on the Abandoned Cropland in Loess Hilly Area

  19. 黄河三角洲撂荒地土壤氧化还原酶活性与化学性质通径分析

    Path analysis between dehydrogenase activity and chemical property of wasteland in Yellow River Delta

  20. 浙江非农经济发达地区耕地撂荒问题分析&以余姚市低塘街道为例

    Analysis of Cultivated Land Abandoning in Developed Areas of Non-agricultural Economy in Zhejiang Province

  21. 晋北低中山撂荒地植物群落演替研究

    Study on Succession of Plant Communities on Abandoned Lands in the Northwest Shanxi , China

  22. 耕地撂荒程度描述、可持续性评判指标体系及其模式

    Extent Description and Index System of Sustainability Judgment and its Pattern of Cultivated Land Abandoning

  23. 耕地撂荒过程上,先远后近,先旱地,后水田。

    Abandonment of arable , far and dry arable first ; near and paddy fields after .

  24. 根系分布浅,主要利用浅层土壤水和降雨生存,是侵入撂荒地的先锋植物,适合用以改良弃耕地。

    The root system primarily distributes in shallow soil and grow mainly on shallow soil moisture .

  25. 第三部分,着重分析造成我国西北民族地区农地撂荒的原因。

    The third part , mainly analyzes the causes of uncultivated land in northwest area of china .

  26. 撂荒具有较早归还凋落物和增加土壤养分的能力。

    Fallowing played an important role in the early litter production and nutrients accumulation on sand land .

  27. 农村青壮年劳动力流失与耕地撂荒问题探讨

    The Discussion of the Loss of Young and Middle-aged Rural Labor Force and the Abandoned Arable Land

  28. 撂荒地群落与自然群落中植物、沙质与非沙质生境中植物化学成分差异较显著。

    Also , the differences between those in sandy habitat and those in non sandy habitat are significant .

  29. 柴达木盆地因盐渍化而撂荒的耕地,其土壤盐分组成主要为氯化物,属于重度盐土。

    The soil of the discarded salination field in the Chaidamu Basin belongs to heavy chloride saline soil .

  30. 撂荒12年时,结皮和地上草被都开始起到增渗作用。

    To the 12 returning years , both the crust and the grass begin to increase the infiltration .
