
  • 网络Toth;Tos;Toss
  1. 托斯是如何得到这枚特别的饰品的呢?

    So how did Toth land on the special sparkler ?

  2. 威瑟斯彭和托斯在去年一月份相遇,去年圣诞节期间订婚。

    Witherspoon and Toth became engaged over the Christmas period after meeting in January last year .

  3. 魁刚和欧比又和萨那托斯有过多次相遇

    Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan have more encounters with Xanatos , who , in The Uncertain Path , nearly assassinates Yoda .

  4. 赫拉克勒斯被众神接纳为神以后,朱庇特为他设宴庆贺。宴会上,赫拉克勒斯热情友好地向众神一一问好,唯独财神普罗托斯除外。

    When Hercules was received among the gods and was entertained at a banquet by Jupiter , he responded courteously1 to the greetings of all with the exception of Plutus , the god of wealth .

  5. 杰西卡·拉吉(JessicaLargey),Manresa,加利福尼亚州洛斯加托斯

    Jessica Largey , Manresa , Los Gatos , Calif.

  6. 托斯求婚时用的是价值25万美元的四克拉Ashoka式切割钻戒。

    He proposed with a $ 250,000 four-carat Ashoka diamond .

  7. 现在,一起工业事故2月27日,博特尼亚(Botnia)公司设在乌拉圭弗莱本托斯市(FrayBento)的好生争端的工厂的管道发生气体爆炸再度扇起争端。

    Now , an industrial accident a gaseous explosion in the piping of the polemical Botnia plant in Fray Bento , Uruguay on February27th has fuelled the dispute anew .

  8. 库恩和拉卡托斯模糊了划界标准,使之成为相对标准;

    Kuhn and Lakatos blur the criteria and make it relative .

  9. 又一次的,克瑞托斯的手下残杀着无辜的村民。

    Yet again , Kratos men are shown slaying innocent villagers .

  10. 赫菲斯托斯通常被是锻冶之神。

    Hephaestus was often remembered as the blacksmith of the gods .

  11. 数字化考斯托斯锁相环的分析与研制

    An analysis and development of a digitized Costas phase locked loop

  12. 雅典娜祭司:克瑞托斯!!赞美雅典娜,你终于来了!

    Oracle of Athens : Kratos !! Praise Athena youve arrived !

  13. 拉卡托斯科学编史学研究纲领与认识论解释学

    Lakatos ' Research Programs of the Historiography of Science and Epistemological Hermeneutics

  14. 他十分喜爱一个名叫雅辛托斯的少年。

    He was passionately fond of a youth named Hyacinthus .

  15. 拉卡托斯拟经验主义数学观与启示

    Conception of Mathematics of Lakatos ' Quasi-empiricism and Inspiration

  16. 拉卡托斯的知识论是目前最优秀的知识理论之一。

    Lakatos ' theory of knowledge is among the best epistemological theories today .

  17. 毫不迟疑地,克瑞托斯拉动杠杆,跟着平台往上升了。

    Without question , Kratos pulls the lever and the platform begins rising .

  18. 科学史的合理重建与社会学重构&拉卡托斯与夏平科学编史学思想之比较

    The Rational and Sociological Reconstructions of History of Science

  19. 试论拉卡托斯数学哲学思想的产生背景和思想根源

    The formation of Lakatos ' mathematical philosophy : its background and ideological roots

  20. 克瑞托斯跪在他的妻子和女儿的前面。

    Kratos is shown at the temple , kneeling before his wife and daughter .

  21. 知识的进步与进步的知识&拉卡托斯的知识论及其在教育中的意义

    The Progress of Knowledge and the Progressive knowledge

  22. 纳斯托斯湖的湖水依你所求

    Water from Lake Nostos , as requested .

  23. 冥府有五条河:科库托斯河&哀伤之河;

    There were five rivers in Hades : Cocytus , the river of wailing ;

  24. 很快,萨那托斯成了魁刚第一个徒弟。

    Soon Xanatos becomes Qui-Gon 's first apprentice .

  25. 赫菲斯托斯气呼呼地回到煅炉旁。

    Hephaestus angrily retired to his forge .

  26. 在克瑞托斯找寻其余通往雅典城的路径时候,她来到了一个闪着红光的门前面。

    As Kratos made his way through athens , he comes across a glowing red door .

  27. 就像在蓬托斯的罗马人当他们…

    right under the center of it . Or like the Romans at Pontus , when they were

  28. 拉卡托斯将科学史分为内部历史和外部历史。

    Lakatos divides the history of science into " internal history " and " external history " .

  29. 在这个月的早些时候,一位知情人曾爆料《人物》杂志称,托斯已经确定威瑟斯彭就是他的结婚对象。

    Earlier this month , a source told People that Toth was insistent that Witherspoon is his ideal woman .

  30. 毫无怜悯地,克瑞托斯将钥匙从船长脖子上一把拽下,把他一脚踹进了九头蛇的肚子里面。

    Without mercy , Kratos rips the key from the captains necklace and lets him fall to the Hydras stomach .