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hù cónɡ
  • squire;retinue;retainers;escort
扈从 [hù cóng]
  • [retinue of the emperor or high official] 随侍皇帝出巡的人员

  • 扈从横行,出乎四校之中。--司马相如《上林赋》

  1. 君主或王子的家庭或扈从。

    The family and retinue of a sovereign or prince .

  2. 如果扈从队首领在附近地区无事可做,他就把自己的人马带到发生了战争、可以指望获得战利品的别的民族那里去;

    If the leader of the retinue found nothing to do in the neighborhood , he set out with his men to other peoples where there was war and the prospect of booty .

  3. 如果我们遇上持续下雨,塞西尔也能让“扈从”参加德比马赛。

    If we have a wet spell , Cecil could also run Armiger in the Derby .

  4. 有一种制度促进了王权的产生,这就是扈从队制度。

    One institution particularly favored the rise of kingship : the retinues .

  5. 携带骑士的盔甲的年轻扈从。

    A squire carrying the armor of a knight .

  6. 开始接受骑士训练的男孩的头衔是扈从

    When a boy first began his training to become a knight , his title was squire

  7. 扈从骑兵身穿镶片皮甲,手持骑枪和长剑,冲锋威力亦颇为惊人。

    Wearing brigandine armour , and armed with a lance and sword , this unit is capable of devastating charges .

  8. 他们本来矢志打倒军阀,结果却成了中国历史上一个最大军阀的扈从。

    Sworn to end warlordism , they had ended up in the train of one of the biggest warlords in Chinese history .

  9. “这么大冷天,一位太太出门可不容易呀,”她的这位“扈从”温情地说,“你走了很远一段路吧?”

    " It 's a mighty cold day for a lady to be out in ," said her escort . " have you come a fer piece ?"

  10. 个人电脑在信息革命中发挥了关键作用,而上述命令可能是将其转变为政府扈从的第一步。

    The demand could be a first step towards turning PCs , which have played a central role in the information revolution , into clients of the state .
