- 网络adult

The hatching rate of eggs and the emergence rate of the nymphs decreased while the number of eggs laid per female and the adult longevity both increased in F1 generation , which were totally in verse in F2 generation .
Temperature and humidity have different influences on its egg growth and hatch , the adult survival and fecundity .
At concentration of 1 mg / mL , the mortality of female adults was 28.2 % , and oviposition inhibition was 53.1 % after 48 h treatment .
These pesticides were highly effective against adult citrus rust mites , with LC50s from 0.31 to 4.51 μ g / ml.
100 mice were used in two experiments . Female adults of the part of the 8th generation and the 9th generation over wintered through 5 months and acted in mid-March next year .
Determination of toxicity of phosphine on adults of copra mite [ tyrophagus putrescentiae ( schrank ) ] by a new laboratory method
EPP mainly overwinters as adults beneath bud scales .
Winter-type of an adult female mite and winter diapause egg appear in August to September .
The toxicity of phosphine carbon dioxide and oxygen alone and as mixtures to the adults of copra mite
David mite right , the nymph and the adult mites and mite eggs , etc. in the development stage effective .
Toxicity of the two pesticides against Lasioseius sp. was low toxic and no effect on the hatching rate of egg .
The highest average total as well as daily oviposition ( 42.9 and 2.4 , respectively ) were obtained at the constant temperature of 25 ° C.
The toxicity to adult females and eggs of Tetranychus viennensis were tested with several acaricides have been used in recent years by both slide dip method and leaf disk dip method .
Meanwhile , if the initially inoculated amount of female adult mite was more than 8 head per leaf , the increase or decrease of population density of mite would be inhibited .
The mite could feed balsam pear , but the pest on balsam pear showed longer period of development , shorter longevity of the female adults , higher mortality and did not oviposit .
The survival of the larvae and nymphs was highest at 27 ℃ . Higher temperatures were unfavorable for their survival : at 33 ℃, only 55.72 % developed into the adult stage .
In the temperature range of the experiment ( 21 ~ 33 ℃), the survival percentage of whole generatio , the number of eggs laid per female and the index of population increase showed a general trend which can be described by parabolic equations .
It was found that spraying lime sulphur at a concentration of 5 Baume on the tree before germination proved effective in killing the adult mites overwintering on the dates , and spraying 40 % oxidized Rogor diluted 1000 times in late May also proved effective in controlling mites .
Survey of parasitization of water mites on mosquitoes in the lakeside in south of Shandong Provence