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shù biān
  • garrison the frontier;garrison the frontiers or border region
戍边 [shù biān]
  • [garrison the frontier] 防守边境,守卫边疆

  • 去时里正与裹头,归来头白还戍边。--唐. 杜甫《兵车行》

戍边[shù biān]
  1. 以兵团精神育人为屯垦戍边服务&石河子大学内地生源毕业生留疆工作分析

    An Investigation to Shihezi University Graduate Students from Inland Employed in Xinjiang

  2. 我会和其他戍边部队取得联系。

    Findan I will link up with other border troops .

  3. 新疆“方神”本是戍边爱国之士&清末新疆方神志文辨析

    A Study of Fang-god in Xinjiang at the End of the Qing Dynasty

  4. 四是罪人戍边。

    Four are sinners of reclaiming and garrisoning .

  5. 兵团的屯垦戍边对国家西北安全的贡献

    Contribution Made by Station Troops and Defense of Corps to National Security in the Northwest

  6. 在三家子村,清朝时戍边军人的后代们在村子里定居下来,村里的满人数目多于汉人。

    In Sanjiazi , descendants of the Manchu troops who settled the village during the Qing period outnumbered Han residents .

  7. 国家的创立者以前都是唐朝末期的戍边将领。

    The founders of these states formerly had all been garrison commanders during the later part of the Tang Dynasty .

  8. 兵团精神是兵团人在半个多世纪屯垦戍边实践中创造的最重要的精神成果。

    Corps spirit is the most important achievements of opening up wasteland and guarding frontier in over half a century .

  9. 明设九镇防边,一批戍边干才脱颖而出。

    Therefore , the nine fort towns were set up to defend the frontier , where some defending talents showed themselves .

  10. 要实现这一目标,必须加快农业现代化建设,提高屯垦戍边能力;

    In order to realize this goal BINGTUAN must accelerate the construction of agricultural modernization to improve the ability of guarding the frontier ;

  11. 本文采用了实证的方法研究了这些人员的基本结构、流动原因、流动率及其社会形态,使他们的生存环境得到改善,安心屯垦戍边。

    The paper studies their basic struction , floating reasons , floating ratio and social form to improve their existent environment and defend Xinjiang contentedly .

  12. 宁古塔文化的内涵既独特又丰富,它主要是由满族文化、山林文化、戍边文化和流人文化等成分所构成。

    With unique and rich contents , it consists mainly of Manchu culture , mountain-forest culture , culture of garrisoning frontiers , and culture of exiles , etc.

  13. 但随着兵团市场经济改革的实施和屯垦戍边实践的改变,兵团精神内涵产生了新的丰富,未来发展拥有了新的方向。

    But with the time changes and challenges of opening up wasteland and guarding frontier , the spiritual content created new wealth , the future has a new direction .

  14. 长城戍边聚落保护与新农村规划建设&以昌平长峪城村庄规划为例

    Protection of the Community at the Great Wall and the Planning and Building of New Countryside & with the planning of Changyu City Village at Changping as an example

  15. 只要屯垦戍边的历史使命没有终结,那么兵团的特殊体制就将继续存在和发展下去。

    This special form will not continue to exist until the historical mission of station troops to open up wasteland and garrison the border has come to an end .

  16. 为了巩固既得成果和稳定西北边疆,汉廷征调大匹人员来此戍边,这些人被称为戍卒。

    In order to consolidate the acquired results and further reinforces the Northwest Frontier , the Han dynasty mobilized many army personnel to come to frontiers , these people are called Garrisons .

  17. 兵团不是扛枪打仗的士兵,兵团承担着国家赋予的屯垦戍边职责,是新疆经济建设的生力军。

    The corps is not soldiers for war , it bears the responsibility of reclamation and guarding the frontier endowed by the state , is the major force of economic construction in Xinjiang .

  18. 公元前209年,秦二世胡亥,命令900余人到榆阳(今北京密云)的淮河地区戍边。

    In 209B . C , Hu Hai , the Second Emperor , ordered 900 people in the Huaihe River region to Yuyang ( today 's Miyun in Beijing ) to keep guard .

  19. 团场要想很好的履行戍边维稳的特殊使命,就必须努力造就一支结构合理、数量足够、相对稳定且具有较高政治素质、经营素质和军事素质的职工队伍。

    If Corpses want to undertake the duties of cultivating and guarding the frontier areas well , they have to bring up a rational construction , enough quantities , relative stabilization and high diathesis employee troop .

  20. 据史料记载,中国历朝历代都把屯垦戍边作为开发边疆、巩固边防的一项重要国策。

    According to historical records , all the dynasties in Chinese history adopted the practice of stationing troops to cultivate and guard frontier areas as an important state policy for developing border areas and consolidating frontier defense .

  21. 作为屯垦戍边事业的继承和发展,兵团在规模、形式、内涵和成就是大大超过了历代屯垦。

    As station troops for opening up wasteland and guard the frontier inherit and development of undertaking , formation to exceed and station troops for opening up wasteland successive dynasties greatly in scale , form , intension , achievement .

  22. 兵团地处祖国西部边疆,有着特殊的历史使命,其现代农业发展的水平会影响到屯垦戍边职责的履行。

    PCC is located in the motherland , has a special mission , and its level of development of modem agriculture can not be too low , or else will be affected " defending the frontier " the performance of duties .

  23. 这一发展战略有助于提高中国在周边地区的国际地位和凝聚力,因此不仅具有移民开发的经济意义,而且具有工业戍边的国防意义。

    This strategy will help boost China 's international status and esprit de corps in the adjacent regions , and is not only of economic significance in terms of immigrant development but also of defence significance in terms of " industrial defence " .

  24. 新疆生产建设兵团是党、政、军、企合一的特殊性组织,是履行屯垦戍边使命的有效载体。

    Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps ( XPCC ) is a particular organization that contains the character of party , government , military and enterprise . This organization is an effective form to fulfill the mission of station troops to open up wasteland and garrison the border .

  25. 7月,一队开赴渔阳(今北京密云)戍边士卒900人,遇雨停留在大泽乡(今安徽宿县境),不能如期赶到戍地。

    In July , a band of 900 conscripted peasants heading for Yuyang ( modern Miyun County , Beijing ) for guard duties were delayed by heavy rain in Daze Township ( part of Suxian County in Anhui Province ) , and it was impossible for them to arrive on time .
