
  • 网络acute schistosomiasis;schistosomiasis japonica
  1. 方法检测小鼠和急性血吸虫病患者血清中的IgM、IgG抗体水平,并分别计算抗体差异度值,推测急性血吸虫病患者的感染时间;

    Methods The antibody difference ratio was calculated based on the values of specific IgM and IgG antibodies in sera from infected mice and acute schistosomiasis patients .

  2. 结果GICA-IgG和IHA两种方法对急性血吸虫病患者的检出率分别为95.24%(40/42)和100.00%(50/50);

    Results The positive rates of acute schistosomiasis with GICA-IgG and IHA were 95.24 % ( 40 / 42 ) and 100.00 % ( 50 / 50 ), respectively .

  3. 结果Dot-ELISA和常规ELISA检测117例急性血吸虫病患者血清抗体的阳性率分别为94.0%和97.4%,高于粪便检测的阳性率(92.3%),两法检测结果的符合率达96.6%。

    Results In 117 cases of acute schistosomiasis japonica , the positive rate by using Dot-ELISA and routine ELISA were 94.0 % and 97.4 % and higher than that of stool examination ( 92.3 % ) . The coincidence rates between Dot-ELISA and routine ELISA was 96.6 % .

  4. 应用MCAb-RIHA和McAb-Dot-ELISA平行对比检测了43份急性血吸虫病患者和101份健康人尿样,两法的阳性检出率分别为81.39%和69.76%;

    43 patients with acute schistosomiasis were detected by McAb - RIHA and McAb - Dot - ELISA , the positive rates were 81 . 39 % and 69 . 76 % , respectively .

  5. 长江洪水对急性血吸虫病流行的影响及防治对策研究

    Impact and Countermeasures on acute schistosomiasis transmission by Yangtze River flood

  6. 2002~2006年云南省急性血吸虫病疫情分析

    Analysis of Acute Schistosomiasis in Yunnan Province from 2002 to 2006

  7. 2001~2005年安徽省急性血吸虫病疫情分析

    Analysis of acute schistosomiasis epidemic in Anhui province from 2001 to 2005

  8. 急性血吸虫病肺部损害X线表现分型探讨

    Study on X-ray classification of lung damage of acute schistosomiasis

  9. 目的了解儿童急性血吸虫病的特点。

    Objective To understand the characteristics patterns of schistosomiasis Japanica in children .

  10. 30例急性血吸虫病的脑电图分析

    The Analysis of EEG for 30 Patients of Acute Schistosomiasis

  11. 1990~2008年铜陵县急性血吸虫病疫情分析

    Endemic situation of acute schistosomiasis in Tongling County , 1990-2008

  12. 福建省输入性急性血吸虫病误诊1例

    Misdiagnosis of imported acute schistosomiasis in Fujian Province : a case report

  13. 2004~2008年荆州市急性血吸虫病疫情

    Epidemic situation of acute schistosomiasis in Jingzhou City , 2004-2008

  14. 急性血吸虫病循环免疫复合物的实验与临床研究

    Clinical and laboratory investigations of circulating immune complexes in acute schistosomiasis japonica

  15. 2003~2008年大理州急性血吸虫病疫情分析

    Endemic situation of acute schistosomiasis in Dali Prefecture , 2003-2008

  16. 抗洪抢险中大规模应用吡喹酮防治急性血吸虫病

    Mass praziquantel chemoprophylaxis against acute schistosomiasis japonica in a flood

  17. 吡喹酮控制急性血吸虫病发病的实验研究

    Experimental studies on controlling attack of acute schistosomiasis with praziquantel

  18. 历史血吸虫病非流行区发生急性血吸虫病1例

    Acute schistosomiasis occurred in a historically non-endemic area : one case report

  19. 2000~2004年仪征市急性血吸虫病分析

    Analysis of acute schistosomiasis in Yizheng City , 2000-2004

  20. 2001~2003年鄱阳县急性血吸虫病分析

    Analysis of acute schistosomiasis in Poyang county , 2001-2003

  21. 急性血吸虫病致免疫复合物肾病15例

    Immune complex nephropathy induced by acute schistosomiasis : a report of 15 cases

  22. 云南高原山区急性血吸虫病流行因素调查

    Investigation on acute schistosomiasis transmission factors in plateau mountain areas in Yunnan Province

  23. 江西省1982&1993年急性血吸虫病病情分析

    Study on status of acute schistosomiasis in Jiangxi Province from 1982 to 1993

  24. 传播阻断地区急性血吸虫病误诊2例

    Misdiagnosis for acute schistosomiasis in the transmission interrupted area : 2 Cases Report

  25. 湖北省2005年急性血吸虫病突发疫情应急处理与分析

    Outbreaks of Acute Schistosomiasis in Hubei Province in 2005

  26. 四川省喜德县急性血吸虫病突发疫情调查

    Investigation on epidemic situation of acute schistosomiasis in Xide County , Sichuan Province

  27. 一起急性血吸虫病突发疫情分析

    Analysis of an acute schistosomiasis breaking out event

  28. 110例急性血吸虫病吡喹酮治疗前后心电图对比观察

    Observations on ECG of acute schistosomiasis treated with praziquantel : report of 110 cases

  29. 洲滩型地区急性血吸虫病流行因素及控制对策的研究

    Study on the epidemic factors and control strategy of acute schistosomiasis in river beach

  30. 急性血吸虫病与弓形虫血清学交叉反应的鉴别

    Differentiation of Toxoplasmic Serological Cross-reaction to Acute Schistosomiasis