
yì shǐ
  • work;use;enslave;work (an animal);use as a servant
役使 [yì shǐ]
  • (1) [work (an animal)]∶使用[牲畜]

  • 役使牲口

  • (2) [use as a servant]∶强迫使用[人力];使唤;驱使

  • 役使奴婢

役使[yì shǐ]
  1. 老板把工人当牛马一样役使。

    The boss made the workers toil like beasts of burden .

  2. 这三个序参量产生于EPC项目质量链系统,产生以后又役使着各子系统朝着有序的方向演化。

    These three order parameters derives from EPC project Quality Chain , then slaved the subsystems to evolve orderly .

  3. 典型电力系统仿真中的状态变量役使现象

    Slaving Phenomena by State Variable in a Typical Power System Simulation

  4. 尽管他们为贪婪所役使,但仍显示出惊人勇气、机智和百折不挠的乐观。

    Although driven primarily by greed , they exhibit exceptional bravery , cunning and resilience .

  5. 役使原理的探讨

    The Study of the Slaving Principle

  6. 为此给出了役使原理的新表述,并探讨两者的关系。

    Hence , we give a new expression of Slaving Principle and study its relation to Adiabatic Approximation .

  7. 大规模兴建东都,穷极华丽,一年间每月役使民工达200万人;

    He built an extremely luxurious " Eastern Capital " with two million labourers working on it for a year .

  8. 《离骚》役使神祗灵物的幻想,并非由“浪漫主义手法”炮制,而正是屈原真体验的本身。

    The imagination of spirits in Li Sao was not conceived through romantism but through the red experiences of on Yuan .

  9. 九年中,这个小从一个村子游荡到了另一个村子,和一些经常役使他工作的们一起生活。

    For nine years , the young boy wandered from one village to another , with strangers who often treated him like a slave .

  10. 从英汉委婉语看中西文化异同英语役使动词、感知动词和帮助动词中典型动词在句法上的异同

    Viewing Differences and Similarities Between Chinese Culture and Western Culture from English Chinese Euphemism Syntactical Differences and Similarities of Some Verbs of MV , PV and Patterns

  11. 在系统役使阶段,复杂产品创新系统开始形成了有序系统结构,进而有利于企业探索式创新。

    But at the servitude stage , complex product innovation system began to form an orderly system architecture , and it helps the enterprises conduct exploratory innovation .

  12. 被汉代政治所役使的汉代经学博士,在自我润色的经学传播过程中,不自觉地趋向繁琐的经学阐释。

    The doctors of Confucian classics of the Han Dynasty used by politics unconsciously tend to explanation of Confucian classics in the process of enriching Confucian classics .

  13. 本文指出,《协同学》中将绝热近似与役使原理等同是不妥的,前者只是后者的特例。

    This article suggests that it is incorrect to equate Adiabatic Approximation with Slaving Principle in Synergetics , as the former is a special case of the later .

  14. 人的本性不应该被外物所役使、所左右,顺其自然就能获得人生的幸福快乐。

    Human nature should not be outside the objects of the servitude , and about letting nature take its course will be able to obtain happiness in life .

  15. 从协同学的角度对供应链的协同管理进行了研究,揭示出供应链剩余是供应链系统的序参量,它支配并役使着整个供应链系统演化和发展。

    In this paper we study supply chain coordination management with synergetics theory and present supply chain surplus as the order parameter of supply chain system which driven the whole supply chain system evolve and develop .

  16. 治理拥有一千辆兵车的国家,要严肃认真地处理政事,诚信无欺,节约费用,爱护人民,农闲时役使老百姓。

    To rule a country of a thound chariots , the ruler should attend strictly to business , keep his promises , economize in expenditure , love the people , and use the labour of the peasantry at the proper seasons .

  17. 现代科技理性的飞速发展所依赖的二元对立的思维方式使人与自然不再是亲和与共生的,而是对立与疏离的,役使与被役使的,征服与被征服的。

    The rapid development of modern technological rationality depends on dualistic way of thinking . This mode of thinking makes the relationship between humanity and nature no longer symbiotic and friendly , but opposite and alienate , service and be serviced , conquer and be conquered .