- work;use;enslave;work (an animal);use as a servant

(1) [work (an animal)]∶使用[牲畜]
(2) [use as a servant]∶强迫使用[人力];使唤;驱使
The boss made the workers toil like beasts of burden .
These three order parameters derives from EPC project Quality Chain , then slaved the subsystems to evolve orderly .
Slaving Phenomena by State Variable in a Typical Power System Simulation
Although driven primarily by greed , they exhibit exceptional bravery , cunning and resilience .
The Study of the Slaving Principle
Hence , we give a new expression of Slaving Principle and study its relation to Adiabatic Approximation .
He built an extremely luxurious " Eastern Capital " with two million labourers working on it for a year .
The imagination of spirits in Li Sao was not conceived through romantism but through the red experiences of on Yuan .
For nine years , the young boy wandered from one village to another , with strangers who often treated him like a slave .
Viewing Differences and Similarities Between Chinese Culture and Western Culture from English Chinese Euphemism Syntactical Differences and Similarities of Some Verbs of MV , PV and Patterns
But at the servitude stage , complex product innovation system began to form an orderly system architecture , and it helps the enterprises conduct exploratory innovation .
The doctors of Confucian classics of the Han Dynasty used by politics unconsciously tend to explanation of Confucian classics in the process of enriching Confucian classics .
This article suggests that it is incorrect to equate Adiabatic Approximation with Slaving Principle in Synergetics , as the former is a special case of the later .
Human nature should not be outside the objects of the servitude , and about letting nature take its course will be able to obtain happiness in life .
In this paper we study supply chain coordination management with synergetics theory and present supply chain surplus as the order parameter of supply chain system which driven the whole supply chain system evolve and develop .
To rule a country of a thound chariots , the ruler should attend strictly to business , keep his promises , economize in expenditure , love the people , and use the labour of the peasantry at the proper seasons .
The rapid development of modern technological rationality depends on dualistic way of thinking . This mode of thinking makes the relationship between humanity and nature no longer symbiotic and friendly , but opposite and alienate , service and be serviced , conquer and be conquered .