
  • 网络bullough;Blow;Claude Chabrol;edward bullough
  1. 布洛在其《作为艺术要素和审美原理的心理距离》这篇文章中第一次使用了心理距离的概念。

    Bullough used " psychical distance " as a term in his paper " Psychical distance as an art element and aesthetic principle " .

  2. 同时,他们提出各自的主张时,并不是站在同一语境之下,即布洛是从心理学的角度提出“距离说”,而葛兰西则是从审美批评的角度提出“距离说”。

    Their theories are mutually complementary in spite of their different contexts . Bullough 's theory was put forward from psychological perspective while Gramsci 's was from aesthetic perspective .

  3. 罗伊斯大厅是位于米兰的圣安布洛乔大教堂的原样复制建筑。

    Royce Hall was an exact replica of the basilica of Sant Ambrogio in Milan

  4. 本文作者爱丽诺•布洛斯罕现任董事会咨询机构价值联盟和公司治理联盟(TheValueAllianceandCorporateGovernanceAlliance)(http://thevaluealliance.com)的首席执行官。

    Eleanor Bloxham is CEO of The Value Alliance and Corporate Governance Alliance ( http : / / thevaluealliance . com ), a board advisory firm .

  5. 约翰•布洛威特(JohnBrowett)10月份从苹果公司(AppleInc.)辞职,离他加入苹果负责零售店才六个月时间。

    John Browett resigned from Apple Inc. in October , six months after joining to run its retail stores .

  6. 与此同时,S.W.布洛哈斯特辅助弗洛文斯的工作。

    Meanwhile Flowers himself was assisted by S.W. Broadhurst ,

  7. 早在60年代,布洛德夫人就见过安迪·沃霍尔(AndyWarhol)的坎贝尔汤罐头组图,不过没有买下。当时沃霍尔拥有一个自己的小画廊;

    Andy Warhol , whose Campbell 's Soup Can pictures Ms. Broad first saw ( but didn 't buy ) as early as the 1960s , has a small gallery of his own ;

  8. 彻丽希尔研究公司(CherryHillResearch)的亨瑞。布洛奇(HenryBlodget)表示,时代华纳此举甚为明智,因为它别无选择,但此举成功的几率仍不被看好。

    Henry Blodget of Cherry Hill Research , a research firm , says that Time Warner 's move is smart in the sense that it doesn 't have much of a choice , but that the chances of success are still quite low .

  9. 布洛威特在3月上旬成为英国时装零售商MonsoonAccessorize的掌门人。该公司发言人说,布洛威特加入苹果后不久便发现,“他们的文化和战略方向有别于他的想象”。

    Apple 's Mr. Browett soon discovered ' that their culture and strategic direction was different from what he envisioned , ' says a spokesman for Monsoon Accessorize , a U.K. fashion retailer where he took command in early March .

  10. 乔布斯家的房子位于迪亚布洛大道286号,和他们周围的房子一样,都是由房地产开发商约瑟夫·埃奇勒(JosephEichler)建造的,他的公司于1950-1974年间,在加州的各个地区兴建了超过11000座房屋。

    The Jobses " house and the others in their neighborhood were built by the real estate developer Joseph Eichler , whose company spawned more than eleven thousand homes in various California subdivisions between 1950 and 1974 .

  11. HBRVU-187.5型布洛维光学硬度计采用了旋转试验力变换机构和光学测量指示系统,在机体上装有压痕测量装置。

    Model HBRVU-187.5 Brinell Rockwell & Vickers Optical Hardness Tester carries a series of rotating testing force and Optical measurement indication system , and owns pressure trace measuring device .

  12. S.W.布洛哈斯特在20年代萧条时期,还只是一名普通工人,但现在凭借在自动电话开关方面的经验,已经获得了高级职称。

    an electromechanical engineer who in the slump of the 1920s could only be employed in the grade of ' labourer ' , but had worked his way up through a command of automatic telephone switching to this advanced position at Dollis Hill .

  13. 而且只有你掌握了“布洛恋”这事。

    And you were the only one who nailed the blogan thing .

  14. 布洛格发现他眼里闪过一道恐惧的光。

    Bloggs saw fear come to the man 's eyes .

  15. 丧偶的共同命运把他和布洛斯连在一起了。

    It had drawn him and Bloggs together , this common bereavement .

  16. 外面有弟兄受到敌人攻击,布洛依!

    We have men getting killed out there , blithe !

  17. 我们想找查钦布洛德镇。

    We are trying to find the town of trachimbrod .

  18. 后来布洛杰特被禁止从事证券业。

    He was later barred from the securities industry .

  19. 布洛陀文化具有强大的凝聚力。

    The Buluotuo 's culture has strong cohesive forces .

  20. 要谢就谢布洛德的保镖安科夫背叛了他

    Thank Brodeur 's bodyguard Ankov for flipping him .

  21. 他即将带我到巨人国首都劳布洛古鲁德去。

    He was going to take me to lorbrugrud , the capital of brobdingnag .

  22. 布洛表示:现在的问题是,今年晚些时候,他们是否会让某家金融机构破产?

    The question is , will they let one fail later in the year ?

  23. 此次谋杀事件布洛德参与其中的可能性很高

    The odds are good that Brodeur is involved in this woman 's murder ,

  24. 照看好这位年轻的先生,布洛基特太太。

    Of this young gentleman , Mrs Blockitt .

  25. 我,布洛德付我钱叫我

    Ok , I. .. Brodeur paid me to

  26. 尼美舒利与布洛芬治疗儿童高热的疗效比较尼斯河畔亚布洛内茨

    Comparison of Therapeutic Efficacy of Nimesulide and Ibuprofen on Treatment of Children 's High Fever

  27. 已经揭露布洛德非法倾倒工业废物的事实

    had discovered Brodeur was illegally disposing waste

  28. 赞布洛塔在去年世界杯上4分之一决赛面对乌克兰时进球。

    Finally , Zambrotta scored in the quarterfinals of the last World Cup against Ukraine .

  29. 阿尔弗雷德.布洛格斯的双重生活

    The double life of Alfed Bloggs

  30. 布洛的看法很乐观,他认为,银行越来越清楚地意识到自己在流动性方面的责任。

    Mr Blaauw is optimistic banks are becoming more aware of their own responsibility for liquidity .