
  • 网络Booker;Book;Buck;buk
  1. 被列入布克小说作品奖决选名单后,他知道自己成功了。

    He knew he had arrived when he was shortlisted for the Booker prize .

  2. 乔、平克和布克高兴得放声大笑。

    Joe , Pink , and Booker howled with delight

  3. 我毫不惊讶布克奖评委会将其列在入选名单中。

    I am not surprised that the Booker Prize jury included it on their shortlist .

  4. 他脸色苍白,皮肤较黑,颇有威信,浑身透着一种布克奖得主应有的庄重。

    He is pale , dark , and authoritative , with the gravitas you might expect of a Booker prize winner .

  5. 他们在选秀之夜交换了米卡尔·布里奇,并签下了特雷沃·阿里扎都表明他们的意图,那就是艾尔顿和布克在3D球员的帮助下,可以放大他们的组合的效果。

    Their draft-night trade for wing Mikal Bridges and signing of Trevor Ariza suggests there 's an understanding that Ayton and Booker can be optimized if surrounded by 3-and-D wings .

  6. 布克相信这为接下来研究哺乳动物(包括人类)等大型DNA密码奠定了良好的基础。

    they are working to redesign the organism 's DNA and create it Boeke believes it 's a good stepping stone towards tackling the bigger DNA codes of mammals , including people .

  7. 这招另对手头疼不已。大学时期,布克不擅长在油漆区得分,但他在NBA却很快变得存在感十足。

    For a player who struggled with scoring at the rim in college , Booker is quickly developing a presence in the paint .

  8. 布克兄弟(brooksbrothers)刚刚发布了菲茨杰拉德(fitzgerald)系列装,这款服装采用了浅炭灰色,以缅怀肯尼迪总统。

    Brooks brothers has just launched the Fitzgerald suit , which comes in light charcoal grey , as an homage to JFK .

  9. 同样创作短篇小说的阎连科去年获布克国际文学奖(ManBookerInternationalPrize)提名,他开玩笑说中国政治领导人是微小说的理想读者。

    Mr. Yan , who was last year shortlisted for a Man Booker International Prize , and also writes short stories , joked that China 's political leaders are their ideal readership .

  10. 1972年获布克奖之初,《G》因其极具实验性的风格,而引起一些争议,甚至非议。

    For example , the Booker Prize winning novel G did arouse a lot of controversies and negative criticism when it was awarded the Prize in 1972 , presumably because of its extremely experimental style .

  11. 因为,就像纽瓦克的市长布克(CoryBooker)

    because , like Mayor Booker in Newark ,

  12. 而到了NBA,在后卫出身的沃特森的调教下,布克的传球能力得到进一步提升。

    Now , in the pros , under the tutelage of the former point guard Watson , he 's developed that part of his game further .

  13. 23.斯蒂芬•布克职位:NBC环球首席执行官兼康卡斯特执行副总裁所在公司:康卡斯特公司2010年薪酬合计:31267691美元

    Stephen B. Burke chief executive officer , nbcuniversal and executive vice president , Comcast Comcast Corp. 2010 total compensation : $ 31,267,691

  14. 他最近挑选的书是保罗•金斯诺斯(PaulKings­north)的《守灵》(TheWake),该书获得了2014年布克奖(ManBookerPrize)提名,是用一种古英语的变体写的。

    His most recent pick was The Wake by Paul Kings ­ north , which was on the 2014 Man Booker Prize longlist and is written in an adapted form of Old English .

  15. 香港服装生产商联业制衣(TAL)的客户包括布克兄弟(BrooksBrothers)和博柏利(Burberry),该公司表示所用机器至少80%都是Juki。

    TAL , a Hong Kong apparel maker whose clients include Brooks Brothers and Burberry , says at least 80 per cent of its machines are Juki .

  16. 你可能已经读过TheSenseofanEnding,并且在Goodreads上给它打了分。这其中的原因可能有两个,一个是因为它恰好就是你会喜欢的那类小说,另一个是因为它获得了布克奖。

    There are two reasons you might have read The Sense of an Ending and rated it on Goodreads . It might be because it 's exactly the kind of novel you 're apt to like . Or it might be because it won the Booker Prize .

  17. 澳大利亚小说家理查德·弗拉纳根于周二凭小说《通往深远北方的窄路》(TheNarrowRoadtotheDeepNorth)获得布克奖,小说讲述了一位被拘押在日军战俘营,被迫修建泰缅铁路的澳大利亚外科医生的悲惨故事。

    The Australian novelist Richard Flanagan was awarded the Man Booker Prize on Tuesday for " The Narrow Road to the Deep North , " which tells the harrowing story of an Australian surgeon who is held in a Japanese P.O.W. camp and is forced to work on the Thailand-Burma Railway .

  18. 候选名单中还包括备受好评的HilaryMantel,提名作品为《狼宅》。她已经凭这部作品赢得了布克奖和美国国家书评奖。

    The list also includes the much - garlanded Hilary Mantel , for Wolf Hall , which has already won the Man Booker Prize and the National Book Critics Circle Award for fiction .

  19. 去年,28岁的埃莉诺·卡顿(EleanorCatton)凭着848页的实验小说《发光体》成了史上最年轻的布克奖得主。

    Last year , Eleanor Catton won the prize for her 848-page experimental novel , The Luminaries , becoming , at 28 , the youngest writer to win the Booker .

  20. 在他的身上,我们看到了个人在根深蒂固的敌意面前如何践行着布克•T•华盛顿(BookerT.Washington)的信念:“在教育的底层,在政治的底层,甚至是在宗教的底层,我们的种族必须获得经济独立。”

    the efforts of individuals , in the face of entrenched hostility , to advance Booker T. Washington 's belief that : " At the bottom of education , at the bottom of politics , even at the bottom of religion , there must be , for our race , economic independence . "

  21. 如果布克保持进步,那么18-19赛季将是他爆发之季(如果不是太阳队上个赛季那样摆烂,他或许已经做到了)。上赛季,布克成为了NBA历史上第11位在22岁前场均得分超过24分的球员。

    If Booker keeps progressing , the 2018-19 season could be his breakout campaign . ( And if the Suns didn 't stink so much last season , he could 've just had it . ) Last season , Booker became only the 11th player to average over 24 points before turning 22 years old .

  22. 《占有》是当代杰出英国女作家A.S.拜厄特最成功的一部小说,发表于1990年并一举夺得当年英国文学最高奖&布克奖。

    Possession : A Romance , as the most successful novel of a most distinguished British writer A. S. Byatt , was published in 1990 and won that year 's Booker Prize for Fiction , Britain 's highest literary award .

  23. J.M.库切是南非白人作家,2003年诺贝尔文学奖折桂者并两次获得布克奖。他的作品以探索人类生存困境及人类与历史关系见长。

    J.M.Coetzee , the 2003 Nobel Literature prize winner and twice Booker prize winner , is a South African white writer , who explores the living conditions of human being and relationship between human and history through his writings .

  24. 他最近的一部小说被列入获布克奖的入围名单。

    His latest novel has been short-listed for the Booker prize .

  25. 布克·T·华盛顿与美国黑人职业教育

    Booker · T · Washington and the American black vocational education

  26. 布克奖是最令人渴望的英国文学奖。

    The Booker Prize is the most coveted British literary award .

  27. 爸爸崇拜伟大的黑人教育家布克-t-华盛顿。

    Dad 's hero was the great black educator Booker t.washington .

  28. 他的小说获得布克奖,确立了他的声誉。

    His novel won the Booker Prize and established his reputation .

  29. 在葬礼上我看到布克一直在看着戴维。

    I saw how Buck was looking at David at the funeral .

  30. 一个世纪前,西奥多。罗斯福总统邀请布克。T。

    A century ago , President Theodore Roosevelt 's invitation of Booker T.