
  • 网络Cuckoo clock
  1. 我回到家时刚好听到家里的布谷鸟钟响了三下。

    I came home just in time to hear the cuckoo clock cuckoo three times .

  2. 此时,布谷鸟钟敲了八下。

    A cuckoo clock struck eight .

  3. 她就告诉我得买个新的布谷鸟钟了。

    She then told me that we needed a new cuckoo clock .

  4. 她说还不错,但是我们应该换一个新的布谷鸟钟。

    She said that was good , and for some reason she said we needed a new cuckoo clock .

  5. 一提到瑞士,人们就能联想出瑞士的标志:手表、瑞士刀、布谷鸟钟、巧克力和潮流时尚。

    Switzerland might bring several key icons to mind-watches , multifunctional pocket knives , cuckoo clocks , chocolate and fashion .

  6. 本公司长期供应内销及出口木钟,包括落地钟、布谷鸟钟、挂钟、座钟等。

    Our company supply wooden clocks for domestic and abroad , including grandfather clock , cuckoo clocks , wall clocks , table clocks , etc.

  7. 红白条纹相间的木制摊位遍布戴利广场,吸引着游客购买纯手工制成的德国产品,比如黑森林布谷鸟钟、啤酒杯以及大量的装饰品。

    Red-and-white striped wooden stalls fill Daley Plaza enticing visitors to buy handcrafted German products like Black Forest cuckoo clocks , beer steins , and ornaments galore .