
  • 网络Point Barrow;Pt.Brrrow
  1. 这个地区的居民每年能看到数十次北极光,而那些居住在更北边的巴罗角的人们更可以看到上百次之多。

    Residents of the region witness dozens of auroras yearly ; those in the Point Barrow area farther north see as many as a hundred .

  2. 400年来北极巴罗角的温度变化特征

    Features of temperature change over the last 400 years at barrow , arctic

  3. 从今年7月开始,数千头海象离开它们原先栖息的浮冰带,迁移至位于巴罗和利斯本角之间绵延300英里的阿拉斯加海岸线的延伸地带聚居。

    Starting in July , several thousand walrus abandoned the ice pack for gathering spots known as haulouts between Barrow and Cape Lisburne , a300-mile stretch of Alaska coastline .